13| no one's prettier than ly

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Do hugs always make you feel that warm or was it because of the match? Either one of it, it felt right to hug Ly at that moment. It was something I did on my impulse.

It was one of those situations where my mind and heart agreed on one thing. A best friend hug was all I needed.

I separated myself from her and her expressions made me laugh. She was shocked like I grew a pair of horns on my head.

"And someone said they won't become me," I mocked and a frown appeared on her face. I wanted to tease her more but I heard my coach calling out for me. "We four are going for lunch after this,"

I informed her as I took back steps and then ran in the direction of my coach. On my way I saw Maya having a conversation with Daris and even from this far I could see that they were both awkwardly trying.


We were currently sitting inside the nearby restaurant 'Sunshine Hills'. Daris and Maya were going through the menu while me and Ly had picked our choices.

"I'll take the Grilled Chicken Cheese Sandwich alongside you know the drill," Maya announced, putting down the menu. The drill was large fries and milkshake. I glanced at Daris for his choice.

"I'll take the MeatBall Sandwich," He said. I called the waiter and he jotted down our order. As soon as he was gone I found Ly giving me a stare. She hit me with her leg subtly pointing her eyebrows towards the other two. So, I was not the only one to notice the awkward atmosphere.

"Should we leave you guys alone?" I glanced between Maya and Daris. They both nodded in a beat of a second. Ly quickly found another table for us and I made my way towards the counter asking them to deliver our food on the other table.

"What are you going to do afterwards?" Ly was continuously tapping her fingers against the table. Neither me, nor her had any interest in what Maya and Daris were talking about. All of our interest was in food.

I faked thought for a second. I knew what I was going to do. "Sleep,"

"Okay," It wasn't just on the earlier table. There was awkwardness still here.

"Ly are you..." I paused for a dramatic effect. "by chance flustered?"

"I am disgusted by the fact that you sweat hugged me," She retorted, keeping her head on the table. "Why would you even do that?"

"Did we write somewhere in our deal that sweaty hugs are not welcomed?" I poked her in her arm continuously, annoying her. I know she had no answer to this. What can she even do? My intelligence surpasses hers.

"You are being extra sneaky which I don't like," She grumbled holding my fingers in hers so I could stop annoying her. It's not like I had anything to do until our food comes.

"You don't like me anyway," I let her hold my fingers except that now I was shaking her whole hand. "You love me,"

She raised her head and gave me that disgusted look again. I smiled in response. I didn't have to be under her gaze for longer as our food arrived and one shouldn't make the food wait.


We said our goodbyes to Daris exiting the restaurant. I had to drop Maya and Ly both at Maya's house since they decided to study together. I exactly know how their study session will go. Half of the time Maya will gush about how exceptionally well our team played and Ly will block her commentary out. My best friend, Rosenheim-the way it rhymes so perfectly- has -100 interest in the match commentaries. She is like that viewer who only watches the game for their crush. In my case, her best friend but the above stated is the reason why she goes to football matches.

Stumbling StepsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora