1; Captured

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Sometime's my sister is right, and sometime's she is wrong.... and unfortunately for me, this was one of those times, Katara had it right. Actually, not just Katara - Aang and Toph too.

They warned me not to follow the Dai Li so closely, not without backup. But here I was, face down in a hogtied position as I was being trnasported in some wooden box. 

I tried my hardest to yell out for help, but to no avail. It was useless. Nobody could hear me - and if they did, they didnt seem to question the actions of the men who had me captured. 

I could feel Katara's worry already. Aang would be so disappointed... he already has a lot on his mind with Appa being missing too. Toph would pound a rock in my face once she finds out how stupid I was to get caught.

But what I found out was huge - Appa, Azula, and the Dai Li. I just needed to get back to everyone else and tell them. They all have something tied in together, and if I'd just been a but more quiet, I doubt they would have caught me hiding in the fruit barrel in that alley way...

Before I could come up with a planned escape, I felt myself being dropped out of the box and onto the ground, rolling a few times in the process.

The Dai Li retracted their chained clamps around my wrists and ankle, before slamming a door shut behind them as they backed away from me hastily. I then realized I was placed into some kind of wooden and rock like prisoner cell.

"Sokka?" A voice asked from behind me, and I snapped my head back.

My eyes bulged, and my jaw dropped. Jet? I hadn't seem him since he tried to flood that village... and we left him frozen to a tree. It's a shame he's found a way free of it.

And there he sat, with the signature leaf stem still sticking out of his mouth.

Before I could ask what he was doing here, he answered it as if he could read my mind.

"I tried to warn the people of a firebender, and they threw me in here... But I have a feeling you're in here for something a bit more... crazier?" Jet tilted his head, a small smirk etching his lips.

"Why are you even here in Ba Sing Se?" I glared over at him, backing up to the door to keep as much space as I could between us.

I couldn't trust Jet, not after he tried to kill innocent people. He wasn't going to win me over with any story either, or his false charm. I fell for that once before, not again. I still desired to know his reasons for being here. Wouldn't surprise me if he had followed us.

"A fresh start. Most of the freedom fighters broke up after the little mishap with that village." Jet shrugged, leaning against the wall as he adjusted his legs from a crossed position, to a stretched out one. 

Escaping With The Enemy (Jet/Sokka/Zuko) (M/M/M) (Aged-Up)Where stories live. Discover now