Prosecute The Firebender?

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The morning with Toph felt long and somewhat dragged out. I was hesitant on what she was going to tell me she overheard Jet and Zuko speak about - but I was honestly more shocked and horrified for what Zuko had experienced at the hands of his own father once she told me.

The more I hear about the firelord, the more I start to understand why it's important that he is stopped - sooner rather than later.

When we got to the entrance hut, we were met with a man named General Nektarios, an earthbender who seemed pretty uptight at first. Although the moment Toph had mentioned a wrestling move she did when she fought as the Blind Bandit, it seemed most of the day revolved around that topic.

I was ready to pull my hair out until Nektarios began asking me about some plans I had suggested when discussing further protection of the city.

With the amount of trades and travellers they have come through the city, there have been anonymous threats of attack. Rumours had spread that a firebender group was attempting to attack villages and take control. But no truth had actually come of any of these threats.

The conversation was nice, and it felt good to get back into war and strategic talks, but I knew we needed to get back and help the rest of the gaang prepare for our next destination.

It was too risky for us to stay for too long.

When Zuko had suddenly appeared at the front of the hut, just as we were about to leave, I was a little taken back. It made for an awkward moment. I didn't want Zuko to think I was hating on him, though. He had enough to worry about, I'm sure.

So I may or may not have overly rambled to him about it being okay that he likes Jet...

Although Zuko's lost look on the conversation just made it harder to tell what he really did think of Jet... of anyone.

Zuko constantly looked lost, or unsure... I thought maybe it was just blank looks of emotionless on his face, but the longer I was around him, it began to become easier to see he didn't know how to fit himself in.

I wondered why he would feel that way - because I was growing to enjoy his company. I thought he fit in well, but his feelings didn't match that. It appeared so, anyway.

When Toph had suggested we were being followed, I could feel the tension build. Zuko looked hurt at the mention of making enemies while in town.

"Hey guys!" Jet's voice had called out as we neared the Saddler shop.

The street was unusually quiet, which made it easier to hear the footsteps closing in behind

"Stay cool." Toph spoke firmly, before twisting her face in disgust, "Did one of you guys just fart?"

I scoffed, about to tell her how ridiculous it was of her to ask that right now - the sudden flash as Zuko jumped forward derails my thoughts on that immediately.

I felt myself be pushed back falling into the cart Zuko had dropped as he stepped forward, while Toph tumbled off to the side of the path.

My ears were ringing, and I was trying to blink away the blinding brightness centred in my vision.

I groaned, pushing myself up into a seated position, just as my ears started to pick up on a woman's scream.

Escaping With The Enemy (Jet/Sokka/Zuko) (M/M/M) (Aged-Up)Where stories live. Discover now