3; Stranded In A Mountain Cave

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I didn't hesitate in jumping off the Bison once we landed, a smirk landing on my lips when I realized how high we were still from the ground.

Relying on an animal to get us out safely was one thing, but I was amused to see his choice of a resting spot. 

We had landed on a rocky mountain side; no physical way down or up. There was a cave-like hole in the side of the mountain, which looked a little spooky in my opinion. 

It had a nice view of Ba Sing Se from a distance - which told me we were a few miles away, outside of the walls; hopefully we weren't being followed.

Sokka and Lee... I mean, Zuko... slid off of the bison shortly after, examining the area.

"Why are we stopping up here?" Zuko furrowed his brows, looking down the cliff side.

"Maybe he's tired..." Sokka shrugged, and without warning, the bison shot up into the air, flying off without us, "Appa!" Sokka called after him, panic setting on his face as he half went to chase after him - but the steep cliff side prevented him from going any further.

"Did he just leave us here to die?" I scoffed, a little surprised that the Avatar's animal friend would do that... 

"No... I mean... maybe? He'll come back... I hope." Sokka chewed on his bottom lip nervously. 

"Well I hope so. Otherwise we're stuck up here with no food, water, protection..." I listed off in annoyance, "We should've found our weapons before leaving - I could've used my hooks to get down... maybe..." I looked at the creases in the rocks below, debating whether or not I should try without the hooks.

I felt a drop of water hit the tip of my nose, and let out an audible groan as rain began falling, lightly at first.

Sokka and Zuko instinctively backed up towards the cave, seeking shelter. I hesitantly followed them, just as the rain grew heavier. 

Sokka looked around the cave, slowly stepping closer to the darker parts.

"I wouldn't wander off too far - who knows what could be living in here." I muttered, causing Sokka to retreat.

"I know." Sokka rolled his eyes, taking a seat on a rock, before pulling off his shoes, inspecting his feet, "So... uh, now that we're free... kind of... maybe we should work out what our plans are when... and if, Appa returns."

"Plans?" Zuko crossed his arms, leaning against the wall of the cave. I remained standing just by the opening of the cave, barely missing the rain drops.

"Yeah... I mean, last I checked- You were still trying to capture my friend, and Jet... I doubt you've changed your ways." Sokka eyed us both, distrust evident in his tone.

I held my hands up in surrender, "Hey, I've seen error in some of my choices... my uh, freedom fighters have made me aware." I swallowed, slightly hurt by the memories of conversations I had had with my fellow friends.

LongShot, PipSqueak, Smellerbee... all of them. They realized the damage I had done and their part in it. We made a promise to change our ways, which is why the group decided to split up for the time being.

I came to Ba Sing Se to do better... but that didn't mean that Firebenders would escape their punishment. I just had to figure out a better method.

Escaping With The Enemy (Jet/Sokka/Zuko) (M/M/M) (Aged-Up)Where stories live. Discover now