Journey Through The Stars

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After sweating through the night, wondering if Sokka was going to return - or if this sickness had just caused me to hallucinate what just happened between us, I was relieved to see Katara return early hours in with a waterskin, filled with warm tea.
"When you're ready, drink it all. But beware, it's going to make your stomach twist. Just dont throw up. Otherwise, we have to attempt it again." She sat it beside me before she began moving around the camp, cleaning up and packing things away.

I shakily pushed myself to sit up, attempting to drink it myself. But my muscles were against me today. I felt like I'd been bedridden for a year...

Longshot, who I remember being part of Jet's Freedom Fighter group, suddenly squated down beside me, reaching out and opening the top of the waterskin and holding it up to my lips.
I widened my eyes, unsure if I should accept his help, but I also knew I didn't want to feel like this anymore.

I was well aware that Jet's friends wouldn't be very accepting of me given they would know what I am now.

He stared intently at me, pushing the lid to my lips more forcefully.
"Okay..." I breathed, trying to help guide to drink up when I was ready to gulp it down.

I cringed at the lemon taste. It was strong. I felt myself cough, but I was able to finish the drink. Almost immediately, my stomach began to hurt. I laid back, clenching my fist on the shirt covering my stomach.
"Ugh." It was getting hotter and hotter.
Longshot stood up, watching me from the side like I was some subject to be studied.
I needed to wear less. A lot less. I kicked the sleep sack off of me, trembling.
My body felt as though it was boiling from the inside as well as the outside.

"It's hot." I panted, trying to cool myself down. The bright sun was baring down on me, and even if it wasn't hot earlier, it was definitely starting to cook me suddenly.
"Katara, is this part of the process?" Smellerbee called out, joining Longshot as they stood beside and watched. Sweat was forming from my head to my toes.

Katara came back over and widened her eyes, "Uh... I'm not sure... they just told me it'll make him nauseous...." she leant down to touch my head before she hissed and pulled her hand back, "He's hot to the touch.... where's Sokka?" She frowned, looking around.
I sat up, ignoring my muscles shaking as I started to peel my shirt off. Katara and Smellerbee looked momentarily concerned, while Longshot attempted to reach out and assist me. I pushed his hands away.
"I need shade." I tried to fan myself, looking desperately around for less sun.
It was a little distance away, but I could see a cliff edge hanging over the side of the rocks, and I made my mind up quickly. That's where I was going to cool down.
I ignored the calls from Katara and some of the other voices, not caring at all that I was just in pants as I raced across the rocky ground, eventually making it to the shade.
I collapsed, taking in gasps of air to cool myself down.
The rocks felt cool to lay on, so I spread out, closing my eyes. My chest heaving up and down.

Don't vomit, don't vomit. I repeated in my head. I wasn't willing to have to drink that tea again. No way would I be able to suffer this twice.

I groaned out, clenching my stomach as it felt like I was spinning in mid-air.

"Zuko?" Sokka had walked up on me, he looked concerned, "I brought you some water to cool you down. Katara is freaking out thinking she's possibly poisoned you more..."
"She what?!" I lifted my head in panic, and Sokka crouched beside me.
"No.. no, she didn't... she's just panicking because of your reaction. It's gonna be fine. I think your body is burning the toxins out." Sokka tried to assure me. He pulled a waterskin out and poured some water in his hands, bringing it up to drip on my head.
I gasped slightly, and the cool relief was needed.
I winced, covering my mouth as the feeling of sickness began to build at the back of my throat.
"Hold it back... we don't wanna do it again." Sokka cleared his throat, pulling out a piece of cloth and using it to fan air at me.
I nodded. Never again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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Escaping With The Enemy (Jet/Sokka/Zuko) (M/M/M) (Aged-Up)Where stories live. Discover now