Chapter 6

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My mouth drops in shock as I look at Eli, not fully comprehending what he just said. He squeezes my hand gently and I shake my head a little to clear the confusion.

"Eli, you know who else you live with. Right?" I ask gently and he chuckles a little and nods his head.

"Yes, sunshine. I remember living with my brother." He says, amusement clear in his tone.

"And you think that would go over well?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't really care how he feels about it. But you're my mate and you agreed to be my mate and mates live together." He says, his eyes darting to me before going back to the road.

"I understand that. I just don't know how that would work." I say and he sighs a little.

"Would you want Jude to move out?" He asks and I shake my head firmly.

"No. That wouldn't be fair. It's his home." I say and he nods in understanding.

"Well, you could just avoid him. If you want." He says with a shrug.

"Would I um... have my own room?" I ask, a blush spreading across my face. Eli gets a broad a smile on his face when he sees it.

"Yes. If you want. Until you feel comfortable enough with me to sleep in my room." He says and I sigh heavily, sitting back in the seat to think this over.

"All I know is, now that you're here I want you with me." He says quietly, gently and it's so sweet my wolf is melting at his words, as am I. I take a deep breath and nod, squeezing his hand.

"Okay. You're right. We're mates and mates live together." I say and he lets out a joyful howl that has me giggling.

We pull up in front of my house and Eli jumps out of the car, rounding it to open my door for me. He follows me inside and I wander into the kitchen where my parents are.

"Mom, Dad, I forgot to tell you something." I say shyly and they both look at Eli and I.

"What's up, baby girl?" My dad asks and I give them a wide smile.

"I'm done with school. I finished early so I don't have to go back." I say and they both gasp, my mother jumping off her chair to pull me into a tight hug.

"My little genius." My dad says affectionately, tucking me into his chest. I laugh a little and look at Eli who's watching us with warm affection.

"There's more." Eli says, urging me on. I roll my eyes at him and turn back to my parents.

"Since I'm staying, Eli asked me to move in with him." I say and my parents sober at my words. My mom looks over at my dad with a worried expression and he sighs heavily.

"And Jude?" He asks and I nod.

"But I plan on pretending he doesn't exist." I say and my dad chuckles a little.

"That's easier said than done, baby." My mom says. "You still have a bond with him. It will be hard to ignore." She says, but I just shrug.

"I have a bond with Eli, too. I'll just focus on that one." I say firmly, trying to sound sure of myself. My parents look at each other again before they nod.

"You are old enough to make your own decisions. If this is what you want, we'll support you." My mom says and I hug her again, so grateful for the parents I have.

"Let's get your stuff." Eli says excitedly making my parents laugh as he pulls me up to my room.

"I just unpacked." I say bitterly, grabbing a suitcase and shoving some clothes in it. Eli chuckles, putting some things in a box for me.

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