Chapter 12

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I dig deep into myself, into the well of power that I have kept locked down for a long time. I rarely use my gift, and have never told anyone about it, but hearing her mock me set something off inside of me. Pure rage bellows through me as I latch onto the pain, anguish, and heart break of that moment. I project it at her, narrowing my eyes and focusing on making sure every nerve in her body is feeling what I felt.

Her eyes widen in shock as terror takes over when she realizes I was telling the truth. Then she lets out a soul shattering scream, crumbling to the ground as she writhes in agony. I can't stop the smirk on my face as I watch. The intensity of the emotions as well as the power it took to project them so strongly took so much from me that the block I had up against Jude falls. By the pain etched on his face, I can tell he's feeling them as well. He falls to his knees, his fist clenching his shirt over his heart. I expect him to throw up a block, to push me out. But to my surprise he doesn't. He endures the pain I felt, closing his eyes and letting it take over him.

I look back over at Corinne who has tears streaming down her face, panting as she tries to catch her breath. Her face is still twisted in torment as I push my feelings into her harder. She screams again, rolling on the snow covered ground until she vomits, her body heaving under the weight of what I felt. A sick sense of satisfaction flashes through me before I pull the emotions back, allowing her a slight reprieve.

Once she realizes the pain is gone, she rolls over to look at me with terrified eyes, backing away from me in the snow. I laugh a little and take a step towards her, making her flinch as she stands to run away.

"I warned you, Corinne. I can make you feel whatever I want. Not just grief, but joy as well." I say, pushing happiness into her. Her face gets a giddy smile as her eyes turn light and serene. Then I rip it away, replacing it with sorrow. Her face falls as her body begins to shake with sobs. She clutches her chest before running her hands down her face trying to wipe the tears away.

"Maybe I should do this every single day. Give you a dose of joy before pulling it away, replacing it with sadness. Maybe I should do that until the only way you can ever feel happiness again is if it comes from me. Until your life is nothing but a black hole void of anything other than what I make you feel." I say, my voice getting low as the growl of my wolf adds to it, making me sound terrifying even to my own ears.

"No! Please don't!" She yells and I laugh at her pathetic begging.

"I won't make Jude send you away, but if you ask to leave we won't stop you." I say and her eyes widen before she nods. She looks over at Jude before she speaks.

"I request to be transferred to another pack."

"Request granted." I snap, crossing my arms over my chest, watching as she scurries to her feet.

"Pack your shit. You leave in the morning." I snarl. She nods in agreement and starts to run away, shifting in to her wolf to run faster. A smug smile spreads across my face and I take off towards home until I hear Jude's footsteps behind me.

He swings me into his arms, throwing me over his shoulder as he starts in the other direction. I pound my fists on his back angrily, kicking my feet as I try to loosen his hold.

"Put me down!" I yell and he snarls at me.

"No. Now stop it." He says, tightening his grip on me.

"Where are we going?" I ask, still struggling.

"To my parent's house. To discuss this new fucking developement." He says angrily and I scoff, resting my elbow against his back to prop up my head.

"I don't really see what there is to discuss." I say cheekily and Jude snarls again. "You had better stop growling at me like that." I snap and he huffs.

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