Chapter 29

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Dinner in this pack is a boisterous affair. Laughing, chatting and singing fill the dining hall and I'm nearly overwhelmed by how loud it is. My mates flank me on either side, always watching and nervous in a different pack, but they all seem very friendly. I push a little extra joy into them all, hoping that they will have a favorable view of our pack as well. Alpha notices, since I do it to him as well, and he gives me a hard look to let me know he doesn't appreciate me playing with his emotions. I give him a sheepish smile in return, but secretly I enjoy the spark in his eye as he speaks with Luna. He has had so much extra weight on his shoulders since the attack and I know solidifying new allies will help with some of that.

But I can help too. So I'm going to.

I watch as he kisses Luna's cheek, then rises and walks towards me. That catches the attention of Eli and Jude as well and they stop eating, waiting for their father to approach.

"Do you mind taking a walk with me, little one?" He asks. I rise and go to follow him, but Jude grabs my hand.

"We'll come too." He says, going to stand, but his father huffs at him and shakes his head.

"She'll be fine. We won't go far." He says. I lean down to kiss both Jude and Eli, giving them a warm smile.

"I'll be fine. Stop worrying. Go have some fun." I say, motioning towards where some of the male wolves in the other pack are wrestling.

"Pfft. Like they could take us." Jude says, puffing his chest out making me giggle.

Alpha extends his arm for me and I grab onto it, watching as Jude and Eli go flank their mom instead. Affection flutters in my heart at the sight, loving the way she smiles at them. My heart nearly bursts at how full it feels as Alpha pulls me through the door. The sun has nearly set, bright oranges and blues shimmering over the horizon as it sinks. I take a deep breath of the cool evening air, following Alpha down a path out further in the woods.

"You used your gifts on that Alpha today. Didn't you?" He asks quietly. I strain my ears for prying wolves, but hear nothing.

"Yes. But only a little." I say with a mischevious grin. Alpha chuckles, leaning down to peck a kiss to my forehead.

"You did well. I believe he would have come around eventually, but I was worried he would ask for more. It's clear we are a stronger pack, but he's an arrogant Alpha. I was worried he wouldn't know what was best for his pack." He says, his eyes wandering towards the forest before back to me. We continue walking in a content quiet before he speaks again.

"Things seem to be going well for the three of you." He says and I nod, smiling up at him.

"It took a long time, but I forgave him." I say and Alpha sighs.

"We never really talked about what he did. You and I. I'm sorry it happened. But I'm grateful you were able to be the bigger person. To forgive him. It makes Luna and I very happy to see you all together. We've always thought of you as our daughter." He says, giving me a warm smile. I smile back, curling my arm around his waist to pull him into a hug.

"I still feel guilty." I murmur quietly and he pulls away to look down at me curiously.

"For what?" He asks. I take a deep breath before I continue.

"The attack. If I hadn't lost my temper, used my power on Corinne it never would have happened." I say and he grunts in response.

"That's bullshit, Natalie." He says firmly. My eyes pop up to him. "Corinne was a sour wolf. We all knew it, we just hoped she would find her mate out of our pack. I thought it was a good idea when Jude wanted to send her away. Not just so you could move on and heal, but so that she could find her mate and settle in in a new pack. The fact that she found her mate, but still came back to attack us is her own fault. She could have been happy. She could have lived a full life with her mate in her new pack. She chose vengeance, that's on her. Not on you. And the fact that she did it knowing full well how powerful your gift is? Well, that just makes her stupid." he says with a little chuckle that makes me smile. I hug him again, relaxing in his hold before he plants a kiss to the top of my head.

"I'm so grateful we have you and Luna to learn from. It's going to be a long time before we're ready to take over." I say, but he just shrugs.

"I think it'll be sooner than you think. You three impress us every day." He says. I smile, warmth from his words spreading through me.

"Thank you, Alpha." I say quietly. He nods and pulls me back towards the dining hall.

"I just wanted a moment to tell you how proud I am of you. And to annoy my sons." He says with a mischevious grin that makes me laugh.

"Sunshine!" Eli yells as soon as he sees me. I give Alpha one last quick hug before hurrying over to him.

Eli wraps me in his arms like he hasn't seen me in years. I plant myself on his lap, my eyes searching for Jude. When I find him, he's wrestling the Beta from the other pack. He growls a little, his arms glistening with sweat as he spins the other man before taking him down. They both laugh as they stand, shoving each other playfully. Jude's eyes catch mine and his smile widens before he comes over to me, bending to kiss me. I hum into the kiss, my body heating again being so close to both of my mates. Eli's arms tighten around me, clearly sensing my way ward thoughts.

"You ready for bed?" Jude asks with a sly smile.

The next morning, we rise before the sun. Neither of my mates slept very well, both of them irritable as we get dressed.

"Don't worry. We'll be home in time for your afternoon nap." I coo to both of them, trying to placate them before spending more time with an unfamiliar pack.

I don't need them starting fights with anyone.

"I don't want breakfast. I just want to leave." Jude says, irritation lacing his tone. I roll my eyes and look over to Eli, but even he is uncharacteristacally grumpy.

"I gotta agree with him, sunshine. I want to get the fuck out of here." Eli says as we leave our little cabin.

"Let's go then. I slept like shit." Alpha says. Luna and I share an amused look before looking back at our Alpha mates.

"Let's go then. I'm sure this Alpha will understand." Luna says gently and Alpha nods.

"You three. Get to the car." He says.

"No. I'm gonna run home." Jude says, stretching slightly before slipping his shirt off. "I'll see you at home." He says, pressing a kiss to my forehead and I frown at him.

"We're going with you." I say and he furrows his brow at me.

"You want to run all the way home?" He asks and I shrug, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Not really, but I want to be with you. We do these things together now, Jude. We're a team. Don't forget that." I say and his eyes soften as he looks from me to Eli.

"I always run in the morning anyway. Let's go." He says.

The three of us shift, the boys rubbing against me to make me smell like them. I roll my eyes, but my wolf is preening in my mind as we both secretly love it. Jude bumps my forehead with his before motioning with his muzzle what direction we're going to run. I nod and watch as he takes off. I go to follow, enjoying this run with both of my mates.

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