Chapter 14

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Song listed at the top: Play With Fire by Sam Tinnez, Yacht Money

I am standing behind Arius as we wait for the guards to open the doors to the meeting we are having with other Capos

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I am standing behind Arius as we wait for the guards to open the doors to the meeting we are having with other Capos.

While being in the car, all I could think about was Arius, coming here trapped in a car with him was harder than I thought. We both proposed something that could potentially ruin us with everything around us. Having the title of husband wife does nothing but bring more danger. 

"I don't know how to handle hateful, imagine I cry because you insult me," I whisper to Arius but shut up when the doors finally open. 

Funnily enough, none of us said anything in the car to each other and this is the only thing said being the two of us. Me saying I will cry in case he insults me, which might come of as a surprise but Arius's words are brutal when they need to be.

It's like telling a knife it will hurt when it hits you and you are expecting it yet it does worse. It hurts worse than imagined.

We both walk in, with me behind him as we make our way towards a big square shaped table where many men are sitting. And almost all of them are old. 

At the top of the table there is a seat but it's empty but the others filled except two just close by the head of the table. I think those are ours since the rest are filled. My eyes scan the table, they land on a familiar face.

"Dad," my soft whispers fall on deaf ears but it's as if he heard me because his head lifts up and it lights up ever so slightly. I think he is relieved that I am safe and doing fine. 

He nods at me once to show that he acknowledged me and I do too. 

Arius walks towards the seats and sits before I do. Right next to the head chair and I sit down next to him near an older man that seems to be in his mid-thirties with black hair but he doesn't pay me any mind as I take my seat.

Arius doesn't speak a word to anyone and frankly, no one does to me too. They all speak amongst themselves but as I hear the whispers, I don't hear Arius's name or mine. It's as if they are afraid to even mutter it because of the way they give cautious glances at him.

I feel slightly proud to be sitting in a room full of powerful people and yet they all are afraid of the one person I came with.

My husband. 

He's powerful but I didn't realise how much until now.

Soon, the doors behind us open again and in walks a man with two guards behind him. He's tall, with a grey suit on and a white beard but his eyes are black compared to how pale he is. He has wrinkles on his face but honestly, he looks like he is in his late sixties yet is still standing straight and walking without a cane. 

His eyes don't waver from where he is looking which is at his seat at the head table.

Is he... is he Francesco Rossi?

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