Chapter 31

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Song listed at the top: Call Out My Name by The Weeknd

"Surely you won't be needing a female trainer that can help with the cases of women abuse and help them feel more confident on the streets? Right?"

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"Surely you won't be needing a female trainer that can help with the cases of women abuse and help them feel more confident on the streets? Right?"

Chase smiles at me before shaking his head with amusement. Hooked.

"You've been here for the past half an hour and still aren't giving up?" I shake my head with a shrug of my shoulders. He's tough to crack but I am also just as stubborn.

"Fine. But be ready to be tested because we don't take that lightly. This is the one and only chance you will get." He doesn't believe I can do it but I only smile.

"Tomorrow bright and early at nine sharp. I hate tardiness,"

"You're going to be the one testing me?" I frown to which he puts an offended look on. He is lean and there isn't much muscle on him. Black hair and bright honey coloured eyes. He looks like the receptionist of the place. Clearly I got it wrong.

I look at his arms in the t-shirt he is wearing and then do I notice how tight and strong he is, muscles or whatever there is, are there.

"Am I supposed to take that as a compliment or an insult because at the moment it feels like the latter,"

"Take it whatever way you want. I'll be back." With that, I head out ignoring his shout because he got offended.

I walk down the burning heat of Los Angeles which I underestimated. With my frilly chiffon black top and black jeans, I still feel hot.

As I am walking away from the gym on the empty street when something shoves me to the floor. My breathing is knocked out of me and just as I am about hit the ground, I quickly put out my hands and stop myself from hitting the ground in a push-up position.

I roll over to get away from the attacker and get on my feet before punching the stomach of the culprit. I blink, clearing the red I see.

It's Chase who is smiling wickedly. His hands raised in a fighting stance.

"Didn't think the test starts this early," Chase is grinning at me clearly having fun with this.

Before he can even blink, I use this second of distraction to kick his legs out from under him and drop him to his knees before twisting both his arms around his back and have him at kneeling point.

He blinks. Clearly too slow.

I trained so I didn't die every day in the Mafia. He merely fights to earn money. Or teach others.

I lean down, on the empty sidewalk, I whisper in his ear as he tries to struggle out of my hold.

"Now if this doesn't convince you then clearly I am the one that needs to walk away," Chase chuckles.

"You're in baby," I let him go before walking away ignoring the way he calls out to me.

I don't need him to remind of the name that Arius called me when I was facing him. When the first time he actually used that nickname was when he burnt everything I knew up in flames.

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