Chapter 26

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Eleanora's POV

It's going to take a lot more than wine to get through this hell hole.

I sat in between the headmaster and my employer accompanied by a few other conductors.

"This isn't right," one mumbled.

"The girl did exceptionally well, why this?" Another added.

"Whatever happened to abiding by the rules? If I were to have my niece as concert master, it's all hell but this? How is this okay?"

"A moment of your time is all I ask," the headmaster snapped in a low whisper quieting all conversations amongst conductors.

"Shall we begin?" He spoke broadly.

"With my musicians in the room?" I retorted and gestured back at the room filled with kids behind us who were practically shaking.

"How do you think they feel? A complete unknown bombards our studies and challenges one of ours to an expedition for their seat without them knowing and you give the okay? Who's to say that they're next? That someone else would just drop in challenging them for their seat after their hard work of obtaining it through FairPlay and dozens of other auditions? Someone just swooping in to take what's rightfully theirs?" I justified making the rest of the conductors mumble in agreement.

"Tell your assistant to monitor them outside the room," he brushes me off and I restrained myself from another outburst.

I looked at Michelle and she nods knowingly and Carter manages to pull herself together and enters the deafening silent room.

"Pft, look at her. This will all be over in the first performance," Raheem scoffed and I did my best to keep from cutting my eyes.

"Mind your tongue boy," the headmaster spoke up and I was questionable about his place in all this..

But I'm glad he's standing up for Carter.

"As requested, Raheem Jaskier will be challenging Carter Cammery to a friendly expedition and nothing more," the headmaster acquainted himself with the grading clipboard.

My colleagues and employer followed his movements as well.

"What if Raheem wins? What's the point of having the second best in your ensemble if the best is what's required?" One of the school girls spoke out and the others joined in agreement.

Oh god to be their age and just-

"That's if he wins," Carter snarled and it's a side I've never seen from her.. she rolls up her sleeves and unbuttons the collar of her shirt as her hoodie is set aside.

Had she expected this?

I wasn't sure what to process as her eyes are burning with pain, fear and rage. This may be the first time I see her like this and I pray it'll be the last.

I don't like it.

She's been through enough. I know what she's feeling. Everything is practically on the line with her and it's all in a single performance that's expected to be flawless..

"Ahem... to keep things light and brief, a preference has been selected; freelance... It is advised that each soloist is to perform three pieces each from their soloist repertoire to make our final decisions on the winner. But since this is taking up one of my best conductor's rehearsal time, can we please have this done with a knock out performance- meaning you pick your best piece and we'll decide this once and for all?" I could finally sense the headmaster's irritation from all of this.

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