Chapter 36

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Carters pov

Thankfully I was out of that hospital. It was really cool at first I'll admit but after one day, you'll just start feeling miserable..

The loft is currently empty with just a few of my belongings. My mom was hesitant about moving the piano in here.. I was too because I wasn't thinking thoroughly with that decision. But deep down I wanted a reminder to keep going- to keep healing. I'm doing this to continue piano. The isolation is just to keep peace from all the craziness that's occurring.

I'm not sure how to verbally describe how strong my mom is. I want to fight by her side so she doesn't have to go through this alone but I trust if I do what she ask of me, she wouldn't have go worry about my well being so much and she can focus on the divorce more.

Plus, I feel like Eleanora and her are on a new beginning of their lost friendship. I know my mom isn't alone...

Eleanora is strong too.

She worries and has her fair concerns, I wish it wasn't like this and that she had to witness something like this. I see her later this week... I still cry about not being able to continue this season in the symphony but I'm determined to return. I'm determined to have the experience I've longed to have and that's to be surrounded by those who are passionate to make a connection with the audience and captivate them than to dominate based on your skill set- that's not music. Music comes from within.

Knocking caught my ear from the loft as it echoed in its emptiness.

As I was walking to unlock the door, I hitched my breath and cursed to myself as I instinctively lifted my right arm forgetting the arm sling is to position my shoulder and elbow for comfort.

This is going to take some time to get used to...

With my left hand, I unlocked and open the door to see a young woman with brown hair and piercing blue eyes and brunette hair dressed in an all white suit and a grey tote bag..

"Good morn- would you look at that... good afternoon Ms. Cammery," she looked at her watch and had a sparkling smile- it was genuine, nothing about her body language was forced and tone was warming.

"Ms. Cammery?" She broke my brief analysis of her.

"Oh- it's just Carter," I softly smiled and invited her in. "Good afternoon to you as well," I displayed my manners.

I wish she could settle in but all I have is a well decorated air mattress for the time being.

"I'd get you something to drink but... um," I stared at the ground embarrassed by my poor hospitality. I don't even have dishes. Just water bottles and plastic everything for now.

"It's alright dear, nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. When we schedule our next appointment, you'll pick the setting you're comfortable in. And if you're comfortable with me coming to your home for our sessions, by all means, do not be embarrassed. I am here for you not the other way around," her words soothes me and I took a deep breath.

"At least your air mattress looks comfy, you have a nice view," she softly giggled getting herself comfortable.

"Well there's no other furniture to get comfortable in, hope you don't mind," she smiled and it made me giggle as well.

"I don't," I assured her.

"I think it'll be easier too since you can just lie down while I jot down my thought process to better understand you," she pulls out her notepad.

I did my best to not flop and carefully laid on my back.

"Tell me about yourself," she adjusts her reading glasses.

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