Chapter 38

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Eleanora's pov

Text her.

Don't text her.

I should text her- but she's been through a lot lately.

I shouldn't, she needs time to adjust.

But that's all the more reason to text her...

No she needs her space, god knows how she feels right now.

But something like this, she needs all the support she can get.

She has support; the therapist and her mom- but what if there's something I can help with?

No, I should leave her be. Her head is swarming...

"Eleanora," the headmaster stood next to me at my desk and I snapped out of it.

"Ms. Arturo to you," I quickly replied.

"Ahem... right, I apologize. I've been calling your name for the last minute or so and you seemed- distracted," my boss caught my eye.

"Couldn't have picked a better word to describe my state of being. How can I assist," I shook off my personal thoughts and averted to my work mode mindset.

"Do you have any updates on the Cammery's? She's missed quite a few rehearsals. It's been logged as excuses due to family emergencies and I'm checking in with you," he informed me...

"No, she won't be returning..." I softly spoke still torn at the events that's taken place.

I wasn't aware it's been a few weeks since the incident..

Now I'm worried, I should text her.

"Ms. Arturo," his voice snaps me out of my thoughts again.

"What?" I grew irritated.

"F- I'm sorry," I caught myself and sighed. Damn near cursed at my employer.

"Was the injury that severe?" He decided to show interest.

I mean sir, she hasn't been here for a few weeks. It's likely she won't be coming back.

"Arturo," he called out to me.

"Sir, I know you have your reasons and concerns but Carter Cammery will not be returning for the season. She has a dislocated shoulder and even if that were to quickly heal, her parents are undergoing a divorce as we speak. Bottom line is, she's not coming back due to the unexpected circumstances of her well being. I was really looking forward to working with a pianist for the first time this season and I'm rather torn... now then, is there anything else?" I snapped.

"When was the last time you slept?" He continues to strike my nerve.

"Excuse me?" I eyed him.

"God Ms. Arturo... it's not a bad thing to take a few days off you know. Conducting and being a part time performer, I know it's a nerve racking thing to lose something you're invested in. But do mind you're one of the best we have. If you need to take a brief leave of absence, I'd actually support it and give you full pay," he was actually sincere-

He's always been sincere which is hard to find in a boss, I should be grateful.

"If i did that, wouldn't you say it defeats the saying of 'the show must go on'? I can't take a break when circumstances are crucial. I need to be here for my ensembles. To teach and collaborate with my colleagues," I informed him as I picked up my pen to scribble the weekly practice plan for my students.

"Eleanora..." he gently places a hand on top of mine to prevent me from writing.


"I know, but listen.." he remained calm.

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