Chapter 8

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Eleanora's POV

I ran after Carter trying to stop her, but she was really fast. She should put 'athlete' in her description Jesus.

"Carter wait!" I watched her sitting in her car wiping away her tears and viscously yell at herself for what she did. I've never felt so hurt about someone else's pain as much as I've seen Carter in tears. She let her head down on the steering wheel and slams her hands on them, making the entire vehicle jerk; I watched her reverse out my driveway and go wherever her home may be.

I walked back into my house and stood in my hallway for a brief moment.

"Damnit!" I yelled and threw my fist down. I literally asked for a sign the other day as to whether or not this girl likes me and somehow my ex fiancé manages to get inside my head and fuck it up.

I gritted my teeth, "ugh." I put my hair up in my favorite low bun and I cleaned the mess we had made.

Cleaning is somewhat boring when there's no music playing. I picked up my remote and tried to recall a song to play. I remembered what song Carter Blurted out earlier and quickly pulled up the track. I'm more of an indie and pop kind of person. I'm guessing Carter is more into R&B.

I listen to the lyrics and realized that this is more than just a song about a girl. I sat back down on my couch and restarted the song from the very beginning to closely listen to the words;

"Would you mind if I take my time, and admire you? Candlelight, a little wine to set the mood."

I sigh in awe in the lyrics. I may not be a big fan of Chris Brown or a lot of other trending artists it today's 'society of teenagers', but the song is touching.

I couldn't help but think about me wiping the mess from Carter's lip earlier and the face she made when she had a mouthful of fruit keeping her from talking. I softly let out a laugh at the thought of the recent memory, I bit the side of my finger when me and her held a gaze at the counter, she turned so pink. I couldn't get enough of those grey eyes when I toppled over her at the couch. I put my hand on top of where she stayed. My eyes glanced at the foot rest and remembered every burning second she was here. I let out a soft chuckle, i really fucked this one up.

My smile became an instant frown and I paused the song out of irritation. I picked up the phone and realized it was from George.

"What do you want?" I spat.

"You didn't reply to any of my texts." I raised my brows in disbelief. He interrupted a sensitive moment, just because I didn't answer his texts.

"You son of a- I don't give a damn what you do. Stop calling my phone. You're interfering with my schedule," I hissed into the phone.

"I'm sorry, I was just wondering if you've thought about that drink I offered a few days ago. I'm in town for a little bit. I'll be at the Ginger Man's getting a drink, if you do change your mind."

I enraged with anger, "I swear to you on the vows I've written for our wedding day and burned, I will file charges if you can't keep a distance from me. Leave me the hell alone. If you're so concerned about my activities, you should've kept it under control in your pants and we would've been traveling the entire world, fucking in every 5 star hotel. But no, your dick chose Melissa on our wedding day. So fuck off," I hung up.

That man has caused enough hell in my life. A fine example is what happened today. His damn notifications distracted me in such a manner, Carter took a risk with whatever's been on her mind and she kissed me by surprise.

I wasn't expecting it, I truly wasn't. My thoughts were frustrated with something else and she just caught me off guard. I kissed back, I know I did.

I don't know why I reacted the way I did, I'm pretty sure I won't be getting another kiss from her anytime soon.

I practically scared her so bad, she ran out the house in tears and blaming herself for it. I clenched my hand into a fist. I asked for a sign and like hell, it was monkey wrenched at me.

Her scent lingered on the couch, it smelled so good. I couldn't get over what perfume she sprayed on herself. I could smell it all day if I could, but I can't. Not without feeling bad for the way I reacted. I mean yes, I do want her. so bad. It just scared me as how easily I got what I was after and I'm in nearing my early 30's and she's not even 18.. this is entirely wrong.

But the way she kissed me..

No, still wrong. She's a minor. I just need to push past this because it's bad enough as is.

I massaged the temples of my head. I really hate myself today. I hope I get a chance to talk with her after rehearsals Sunday and explain myself.

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