Chapter 4: The Hating Game

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My ingenious plan was working wonders. Charlie could not have hated me more. I started it gradually of course. I first needed to do a little research so I talked to Rebecca, who talked to Todd, who talked to Charlie about his likes and dislikes. I now use them to get him mad.

Exhibit A: Charlie hates our Latin Teacher, Mr.McAllister

Knowing this I had written a very detailed and vulgar letter to him in Charlie's name, alongside a drawing of Mr.McAllister dancing on a pole with people throwing cash at him. This made me laugh for a whole hour. I'm not gonna lie. Then I carefully placed it under the leg of Dalton's chair so it would look like he had done all those things. After Latin he had English, so I knew I would have the pleasure to watch him get called by Mr.McAllister.

I sat down in my usual seat in English, next to Charlie Dalton, but today I didn't hate it as much knowing what was about to go down.

"Beautiful day isn't it?" I said, smiling at him.

He looked at me, obviously suspicious, he paused for a moment then said, "Lovely."

I laughed silently trying to hide behind my book. For half of the class, Dalton kept looking at me, puzzled by my nice greeting and my malicious giggling.

"What are you laughing about?" He said impatiently.

"Oh nothing, just a funny drawing I saw earlier."

At that moment, Mr.McAllister came knocking on the door asking to have a moment with Charlie Dalton. I smiled at him and raised my eyebrows up and down once. This will ensure that He will know it was me that wrote the note and drew the letter. I couldn't hear what they were talking about but the moment he came back in the class was everything. He knew it was me. Charlie looked outraged and demented as he walked back to his seat.

"You are dead, Chase." He whispered threateningly.

I winked at him and said, "I love it when you talk dirty to me.."

The bell rang and I got up to leave when out of nowhere Dalton slammed his hand against the wall just two inches from my face. I was alarmed for a moment but I had to keep my cool, "hmm, I like it rough."

The only people who were still in the class were his friends and they were enjoying the show as much as I was. "I know it was you." He enunciated angrily.

I kept playing dumb, " I don't know what you're talking to. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go to art class." Emphasis on art. I giggled softly and ducked under his arm before I strutted off.

Exhibit B: Charlie enjoys playing soccer

A little fact about me, is that I know how to play soccer a bit. I wasn't good at it at all, but at least I learned the rules and stuff. Whenever my father had business meetings and my mother was drunk, my younger sister and I snuck out to play soccer with our neighbors and it was always so much fun. These bare minimum qualifications convinced Mr.Nolan enough to register me in soccer for my mandatory extracurriculars.

An hour before gym class, I snuck into the locker room and hid Charlie's usual cleats so that he was forced to use those offered by the school. To make matters worse, I made sure that the selection of cleats were all a size too small for him. I know what you're thinking, I am thinking it too, believe you me. This has started to get a bit creepy and I know, but $300 is $300.

It was now gym class and the teacher had made us play soccer. He had us split into two teams and so I begged the only other girl to go on Charlie's team so this way I could oppose him. A couple minutes in the game, and I wasn't much help but that wasn't the objective. When I saw that Charlie had the ball, I ran as fast as I could and tackled him. Everyone gathered around to see what happened.

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