Chapter 13: The Morning After

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Ring Ring Ring

My head was pounding. I was awake before I could even open my eyes. The God awful noise awoke me.

Ring Ring Ring

Please stop. It seems that me being awake was not the off button. I felt around for the clock on the nightstand. I opened one eye to examine it and there, in emerald green it said "8:30 A.M." I cast the clock across the room and into the door. Once I heard the shattering noises, I let my eyes close again.

Ring Ring Ring

I opened my eyes clearly this time. I looked around the room to confirm my place in reality and make sure that I was not in fact dead and this was my hell.

"Becky!" I yelled, the yelling made my head swell in pain, "Becky, could you make me some tea."

Once I had made my decision to roll off the bed, I noticed a body. Next to me. Maybe I was still drunk from last night. Or maybe this was all a nightmare. Charlie Dalton was in my bed, shirtless, sleeping. I am in hell. I slapped myself hard in the face to make sure. As it happened, he didn't fade away like most dreams. I slapped Dalton in the face, and he was still there. He awoke. He looked around the room, didn't seem to notice me and did what I had done. Called for a friend.

"Meeks?" He yelled. He, too, had grabbed his head as the yelling seemed to have caused a headache, "Meeks! Could you make me a cup of coffee."

I stared at him utterly shocked and in no position to form words. My head was pounding like there was a monkey playing the cymbal inside my head. The sunlight hurt my eyes as it blared through the useless white curtains. When there was no reply from Meeks, or anyone for the matter, he took his time to carefully scan the room this time. He was still in his room, that was a fact, but the occupant was different.

"OH MY GOD!" He screamed.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled back in his face. I grabbed the sheets and used it to cover my body. "What the hell are you doing here? You pervert!"

He used the same sheets to cover his lower body, "What the hell are you doing here? This is my room!"

Good point.

"Did we- Are you- Are you naked?" I asked tentatively.

Charlie looked under his sheets and nodded incredulously. He looked at me, his eyes asking the same question. I knew I was naked. I nodded.

"Did we-?" I asked not looking forward to the answer. "No! Of course not."

"No! Don't be crazy." He agreed, laughing nervously.


Charlie looked around the room, as if looking for an explanation, he made eye contact with the clothes on the floor and said, " Because! Because, you threw up after getting drunk." He yelled, weirdly proud of his reasonable explanation, "And I- I am naked because- because you threw up on me!"

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked hesitantly.

"No, do you?"

I nodded no. I looked around the room and saw my clothes all over the floor, except for my skirt which was still on me. I watched the green numbers flicker on the shattered clock and reality hit me.

"Oh my God! We were supposed to check out by 9A.M.!"

"Well, what time is it now?" He asked quickly.

"I'm not your fucking clock, Dalton. Quick, hand me my clothes." I snapped my fingers and pointed towards the clothing on the ground.

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