Chapter 19: Destination : Arrived

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{Valerie's POV}

"You're going on a date? How long was I gone for?" Becky yelled.

It was 11AM, which is typically very early for me as I have grown accustomed to the late nights and late mornings of the break.

"Well did you say yes?" Becky asked after I took too long to reply.

"I didn't say anything. He didn't ask. He just said. But I'm going. We've crossed that thin line, Becky, and now it's time for me to run for the prize."

I decided not to tell Becky about my limited time on the bet, knowing that she would give me a lecture about morals. I simply have to shut out my feelings for a little longer. How hard can it be? I've done it my whole life.

"But, do you like him?" Becky asked, now whispering which indicated the seriousness of her tone.

"Who cares? I've gone so far with this. Why should I give up now? I can't give up." I said, sounding like a complete sociopath.

"I thought you hated him, how come you're going around kissing him when you're not even drunk?" Becky asked with a slightly judgmental tone.

"Well I thought you liked Todd, how come you're not doing anything about it?" I snapped back.

Becky opened her mouth to respond but came up with nothing. A good response would have been "because you keep talking about yourself and your life you self absorbed, conceited cunt", but she didn't say that.

"Well, we've gotten to be real close as friends, and I'd like it if we stayed that way. I don't want to ruin it." Becky said quietly as she began the process of unpacking.

I understood that. Becky's answer made me wonder, would crossing that thin line of hate into love ruin my weird relationship with Dalton. If that doesn't I'm sure that the fact that I've made bets on his feelings like Sky Masterson would totally ruin our something-ship. Plus, it's not like I love him, these are just stupid feelings of sympathy catching up to me. Ugh, if I were a guy I wouldn't even think twice about hurting someone's feelings. Because believe what you want sticks and stones can break your bones and hurt worse than words. My father taught me that after he literally threw a stone at loving.

A whole week went by and we're already loaded with piles of homework and mountains of stress. I didn't even have time to enjoy Becky's Christmas gift for me. She got me a Boys Radios. I got her a makeup set. Somehow over the break my brain got fried and everything that used to make sense sounds like gibberish to me now. To sum the whole thing up, I got 10 demerits for tardiness, violation of dress code, not paying attention and, my favorite, eating before grace.

Charlie and I acted like how we usually do. Upon entering English class on Monday, I got a paper airplane aimed directly in my eye from Charlie himself. After he and his friends laughed like monkeys, I opened to see what it had said and it was just a caricature of my face on the Mighty Mouse's body. Real funny. Even as I was presenting the New York trip project about Hamlet, Dalton kept making fart noises in the back while everyone giggled. Being the only person that had the mental age above five, I didn't find it amusing. I would have if it was during someone else's presentation.

It was the 9th and although cold, it was a clear and sunny day. I had no idea where or what time I was getting picked up by Dalton but I assumed 7 and any earlier or later than that I would tell him to put an egg in it and beat it. Becky eyed me suspiciously as I got dressed. She constantly lifted her head from behind the stack of books, opened her mouth to say something then went back to her homework again.

Finally, Becky said, "Are you gonna tell him about the bet tonight?"

I laughed hysterically at the stupidity of the question, "Of course not. I need him to say the words 'I love you' before I can tell him. Seriously, do you not listen to me at all?"

Thin Line- Charlie Dalton Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ