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"Alright, see ya tomorrow."

"Are you sure you don't want a ride home?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure. C'mon, it's a beautiful day outside. And I could use the exercise."

"Whatever," Jess rolled her eyes. "Just call me when you get home safe."

(Y/N) grinned. "Will do."

The two had just finished studying. It was still light outside, though the sun was beginning to set. The sky would soon explode into a thousand hues of pink and orange and blue. It would be dark after that. But (Y/N) was sure she could get home before then. She always enjoyed walking. It gave her time to clear her head.

(Y/N) especially loved walking through Jess' neighborhood. It was a nice area. White picket fences and kids playing in the street. She sometimes daydreamed about living in a house like that someday. Nothing too fancy. Just a place with a dog and a backyard. Maybe even a couple kids. She'd always had a soft spot for kids.

But, as the walk continued, the houses got a little less nice. At first it was just fences that needed a fresh coat of paint. Then there were chain fences, with dogs that looked mean and hungry barking from the other side. Dark alley ways that she knew better than to go anywhere near. People offering things to her on the street corner. Drugs, alcohol, sex──
all for a price. But (Y/N) just kept walking. Ignored all the shouts and catcalling and whatever else.

But then it started to rain. Luckily, the people on the streets thinned out, as they sought shelter from the storm. But she was still getting soaked to the bone.

She didn't even register the shout from the car at first. So accustomed to blocking everybody out. But then she heard someone honk their horn, and saw a familiar car.

"(Y/N), what are you doing out in the rain?"

"Lev?" She couldn't believe he was in this area. His family was pretty well-off. They had no reason to come here, and neither did he. "What are you doing here?"

"You think I can get the ingredients for my mom's famous pampushka at the Whole Foods?" And there was that half-smile. It made her weak at the knees───  but then again, that could just as easily be the cold and the rain. "C'mon, get in the car. I'll drive you home."

"I'm fine, really."

"Don't be stubborn, (Y/N). You're soaking wet──  you're gonna catch a cold."

"I'll get your car all wet, and you know those stains are impossible to get out and──"

"It's just a car, (Y/N), I don't care. Just───" he sighed. "Please. Get in the car. It's just a ride home, I promise."

(Y/N) looked around. She shouldn't. It'd give him the wrong idea. She didn't want to lead him on, but... fifteen more minutes in the rain didn't sound great. She turned back to him, and nodded hesitantly. "Alright, fine."

"Thank God," he mumbled, almost too low for her to hear.

"But this doesn't mean anything!" She asserted.

"Of course, of course."

"Alright," she said again. She got in the car. It was much warmer inside, she had to admit. She guided Lev to her home, and they were there in just a few minutes. "It's that apartment complex on the left," she told him, pointing to the rough-looking building several feet away.

"Y'know, this is the first time I've ever seen where you live," he commented, parking on the side of the road.

"Yeah, well..." (Y/N) shook her head. She didn't want to tell him she hoped it would be the last time. It was true, but it felt too harsh. Maybe too harsh because it was true. "Anyway. Thanks for the ride."

"Any time." He kept looking at her. She couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"I'll see you around, I guess." She made a point to avoid his gaze as she left. She knew if she looked at him, she wouldn't want to get out of the car.

•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•


"Hey, man, you got any plans for Halloween?"

"Yeah, I was thinkin' about throwin' a party, y'know? My parents are out of town."

"Sounds sick man, let's do it!"

Lev was walking through the halls with some guys──  supposedly his friends, but he didn't really care that much about them. They were idiots, but they were better than some of the other dipshits at this school. Still, he only half-listened to what they were saying the majority of the time. 

"I'm gonna bring Ashley, see if I can get her to drop that goody two shoes act, y'know?"

"Right, right. I'm gonna ask out James, see if he wants to come."

"Yeah, man, go for it!"

"Hey, I might ask out (Y/N)."

The laughter stopped in its tracks, as they all caught sight of Lev. He had this deadly look in his red eyes. They'd never seen it before, and as much as they wanted to deny it, it scared the crap out of them. Lev turned to Micah, who'd last spoken. "What did you say?" His words were slow, voice quiet and deep. They'd never seen him like this.

Micah desperately wanted to brush it all off as a joke, though. "Hey, man, she said y'all were done for good." He gave a nervous laugh.

"We're not." Lev took a threatening step closer.

Micah immediately took a step back, and ran into the lockers. "Hey, hey, hey, hold on a second, hold on a second. I was just messin' around───
it wasn't anythin' serious!"

"It wasn't anything serious?" Lev mocked, tilting his head a little. He grabbed Micah by the collar, and lifted him up. "It better not be anything serious, 'cause if it is... I'll snap your neck. Does that sound serious enough for you?"

"No, no, I───  I swear, nothin' is gonna happen between us."

"Good, good," Lev said, a thoughtful spark entering his red eyes. "So there's no reason for you to talk to her then, right?"

"B-But we sit together in English!"

"Then I suggest you find some place else to sit," he said coldly. "You got that?"

Micah nodded frantically. "Yeah, yeah, I'll find some place else to sit, whatever you want, I'm sorry."


He nodded again.

Lev finally let him go, and Micah almost fell to the floor. He scrambled to catch himself, and took a few steps back from Lev. Lev, who had always been the chill guy. Lev, who was down for anything. Lev, who apparently still loved his ex-girlfriend, and to an unhealthy degree.

Lev stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, and walked casually to class. Seemingly unbothered by the whole ordeal. 'Don't worry (Y/N),' he thought, with each step.

'I won't let anyone get in our way.'

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