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The worst night of (Y/N)'s life started out just like any other.

It was cloudy. There was talk of rain, but it hadn't hit yet. She had spent the night at Jess' place, giving her a place to stay for the night. She wasn't sure where she'd stay that next night, but she was hoping her mom had calmed down enough that she could come home.

There was no ominous feeling in the air. No sense that something bad would happen. She got ready for work, and showed up two minutes early.

"Hi, welcome to Blockbuster."

"Hello, welcome to Blockbuster Video."

"Hi, welcome to──"

"Hey, welcome to Blockbuster."

Three hours into her shift, and it was so damn slow. Last week had been pretty busy, mostly people returning all the Halloween movies they'd gotten in days past. But it had definitely slowed down since, leaving (Y/N) with very little to do.

She was hoping to make a little conversation with a nice customer──  anything to keep her busy──  but the middle-aged woman who'd just walked in seemed in no mood for talking. She didn't make any sort of response to (Y/N)'s welcome, and simply wandered through the store, body language closed up and her face visibly annoyed.

The woman ended up walking to the bathroom, before leaving without buying anything──  which was technically against store policy, but the young worker really couldn't care less.

The hours crawled by. (Y/N)'s only entertainment was the slowly setting sun shown through the windows across the store. And even that did little to cure her intense boredom.

Tick, tick, tick, tick.

(Y/N) glanced up at the clock. Only five minutes had passed since she'd last checked the time. She was only half-way through her shift, and the thought of four more hours of this felt unbearable.

But she needed this job. Especially if her mom never stopped being mad. She'd need money for groceries and rent. She didn't even care about college anymore, though she once dreamed of being a doctor. No, all she cared about now was surviving. Just getting through the day, until she could go to sleep and wake up to do it all over again.

The bell on the door rang, and (Y/N) gave her automatic welcome. Hoping it didn't sound too robotic.

But she perked up when she saw who it was.


There, in the door way, was Tony. His long brown hair was messy, and he looked tired. He glanced around uneasily, as if checking for some sort of danger.

"Where have you been?"

Tony looked at her, and a hesitant smile came onto his face. "I've been... sick."

(Y/N) was skeptical──  he just seemed really off to her──  but maybe that was just him still dealing with the effects of being ill...? "Are you feeling any better now?" She asked.

"A little." He shrugged weakly.

"Do you think you'll be able to make it to school on Monday?"

Tony looked around nervously again, before nodding. "Yeah, I... I think so."

"That's good," she said. "Me and Jess were pretty worried."

"Oh, you──  you don't have to worry!" He assured her. Ironically the way he spoke only made her worry more. "It was probably just the flu or something, really."

"...Are you sure?"


"Okay..." (Y/N) decided to brush the matter off for now. They hadn't been friends for very long; maybe he just didn't feel comfortable talking to her about whatever was going on with him.

"Well, are there any movies you'd like to buy?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head.

"Um..." Tony checked his pockets. "I think I left my wallet at home, actually." He smiled apologetically. "Sorry."

"Ah, you're good." She waved him off. "Maybe next time?"

His smile seemed a little less nervous this time, much to (Y/N)'s relief. She didn't know what was going on with him, but was glad he seemed to be at least a little more at ease now.

She opened her mouth to ask a question, but she was quickly cut off.

"(L/N)! My office──  Now!"

It was her boss. She looked over at him, as he stood in the doorway of his office. His hands were clenched at his sides, and his face was visibly annoyed──  more than annoyed, he was clearly very angry. And it was at her.

(Y/N) gulped nervously, and nodded. She glanced back at Tony, and gave a small wave. "See you around," she said.

He nodded, gave a small smile, and left, leaving her alone with her irritated boss.

She stepped into her boss' office quickly, not wanting to make him any madder than he already was.

He shut the door behind him, and sighed. "(L/N), I told you──  you can't waste company time." His voice was a little quieter than it was just a few moments ago, but it was also strained. He was clearly trying── and failing──  to keep himself calm. "And not even two weeks later, there you go again! Slacking off, talking to your friends, and wasting my time!" He grew louder with each word. "If you have nothing to do, you stock the shelves, check the inventory──  hell, go to the bathroom for all I care! But talking to your friends all the time makes me look bad when my boss checks the cameras!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wesley, I──"

"I don't want to hear it!" Her boss yelled. He softened a little when she flinched. "Look, kid... I'm sorry. I really am. But I'm gonna have to let you go."

"What?" Her vision blurred. "Mr. Wesley, please, I──  I need this job."

"It's okay," he said. "You're still young! You should be out partying or seeing your friends. Enjoy life before you have to waste it all working."

(Y/N) laughed bitterly. She wanted to scream, wanted to tell him that she couldn't just "enjoy life" and "party with her friends." Without this job, she'd never get out of this shitty town──  Hell, without this job she was fucking homeless!

But she knew there was no point.

She left the store, feeling numb.

𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐙𝐄 (yandere x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum