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Ring! Ring! Ring!

(Y/N) shuffled, trying to stay warm as she stood in the phone booth. November nights could be pretty cold and she hadn't thought to grab a jacket on her way out. Not that it would've mattered; she kinda doubted her mom would've let her grab one in the midst of her fit of rage. Shivering, she waited for Jess to pick up.

"Hello?" It was Jess' mom.

"Hey, Mrs. Allen, it's (Y/N)," she started. "I was just wondering if I could come over for tonight...? Sorry for the short notice."

"Oh, (Y/N), you know we'd love to have you, but we're having a dinner with some of Mike's coworkers." The sympathy was clear in her voice. "I'm sorry, honey. Maybe you could come by tomorrow after school?"

(Y/N) suppressed the urge to groan. Going over tomorrow after school wouldn't give her a place to sleep tonight. "Um, I think I have work tomorrow night, but thank you. So much." She blinked back tears of frustration. She felt so──  so hopeless.

"Well, some other time then!" Mrs. Allen chirped. "I'm sorry, but I do have to go now. Take care!"

"You too." Her voice wavered.

The phone clicked, signalling the end of the call. (Y/N) exhaled shakily, tears falling down her face. God, what was she gonna do? She had nowhere to go, it was freezing outside, and she was exhausted.

She walked out of the phone booth, no plan in mind. Her hands moved to rub her arms, in a desperate attempt to generate heat. Wandering through the streets, (Y/N) looked around. There didn't seem to be any places that would be warm enough. Maybe she'd walk around all night. God, she had school tomorrow too. She'd be completely exhausted then.

'I can't do this...' she thought. 'I can't do this.' She'd always hated crying, but it seemed like all she could do at the moment. She sobbed quietly, not even noticing the stares from people passing by.

And then a thought came to mind. 'Maybe... Maybe I could do that.' She was beyond hesitant, but it seemed her only option at the moment. Even if she managed to find a warm place out on the streets, there was no telling what could happen to her while she slept. 'It's not a good idea,' she thought. 'But so far, it's my only idea.'

The walk was longer than she would've liked. The wind felt icy against her bare face.

Knock, knock, knock.

The door swung open, letting light spill out from inside the house to the doorstep. "(Y/N)?" Lev's brows furrowed. "What are you doing here?"

Her teeth chattered as (Y/N) opened her mouth to speak, but she was interrupted by his mom coming up behind him.

"Who's at the door, lyubimyy?" The older woman asked. She gasped when she saw her standing there. "(Y/N)! Oh, rybka, it is freezing out there! What are you doing? And without a coat! Come in, come in."

"Th─Thank you, Mrs. I─Ivanov..."

Lev stepped back to allow her entrance into the home. (Y/N) could've cried in relief when she felt how warm it was inside.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Ivanov was bustling around. She grabbed a blanket, and gently placed it around (Y/N)'s shoulders, before guiding her to sit down on the couch. "Okay, rybka, I will make you some stew to warm you up, yes?"

(Y/N) nodded. "Yes, thank you." Words could not describe how much she appreciated her kindness.

"Of course, of course," Mrs. Ivanov muttered, walking off into the kitchen to begin preparing the meal.

Lev took a seat next to the still-shivering (Y/N), and wrapped an arm around her. She moved away immediately. "You're obviously freezing," he mumbled. "I'm just trying to keep you warm, I swear." He extended his arm, and in spite of herself, (Y/N) leaned against him. It was warmer this way, she had to admit. "What are you doing here?" He asked again, this time much softer.

She couldn't for the life of her think of a believable lie. "I... I just──  I needed some place to stay for the night."

Lev examined her for a few moments, before nodding. "Okay," he said. It was obvious he wanted a better explanation, but it seemed he wouldn't push for one.

Between the warmth and comfort, as well as her extended exhaustion, it wasn't long before she fell asleep in his arms. It wasn't a full sleep, exactly. She drifted in and out of awareness. But her eyes were so heavy, she couldn't lift them. So her moments awake were brief, and (Y/N) had no real concept of how frequently they happened.

During one such moment, she heard the faint mutters of Lev and his mother.

"You were stupid to let this one go, lyubimyy."

"I know, Mama, I know..."

"But if she came here, maybe it isn't too late."

"I don't know, Mama. I'm starting to think she hates me."

"She would never hate you. I can see it in her eyes. She still loves you."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

Their words grew muffled and distant, as she drifted back off into a dreamless sleep.

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