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"Thank you, come again!"

It was Halloween, night of trick or treating, partying, and fun. But not for (Y/N), apparently. Her coworker, Sam, had called in "sick" for the millionth time, so she had to cover for her. She didn't know why they didn't just fire Sam already and find somebody to replace him, but bringing that up to her arrogant ass of a boss might very well result in her getting fired, so she bit her tongue and showed up to work with a smile plastered on her face.

(Y/N) hated canceling on Jess so last minute, but what could she do? She needed this job, especially with her mom's little trip.

At least it was a pretty quiet night. Most of the horror-movie-buying rush was over by now. She listened to the music playing on the store speakers, and closed her eyes.

────lights out, it's less dangerous
here we are now, entertain us
i feel stupid and contagious
here we are now, entertain us
a mulatto, an albino,
a mosquito, my libido
yeah, hey

and i forgot just why i taste
oh yeah, i guess it makes me smile
i found it hard, was hard to find
oh well, whatever, nevermind

hello, hello, hello, how low
hello, hello, hello, how low
hello, hel───

The bell on the door rang, signalling the entrance of a customer. She opened her eyes. "Hi, welcome to Blockbuster Video," she greeted, trying not to sound as exhausted as she really was. Coming in on one of her two days off was hard, especially when she knew her other day off wasn't for another week. But if her boss even thought she was anything less than cheerful with the customers, she'd get an earful.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

"Lev? What are you doing here?"

He smiled softly. "Jess told me you got called in," he said. "I was thinking I could make your shift go by faster."

(Y/N) was too tired to argue at this point. She nodded.

Lev looked around, hands stuffed in the pockets of his denim jacket. "Looks pretty slow in here," he commented. "I honestly think if you left, it wouldn't make a difference."

"Yeah, except my boss would actually murder me," (Y/N) laughed somewhat bitterly.

Lev nodded. "Yeah, I remember you saying he was a real piece of work."

"Yeah, but he's a piece of work who gives me a paycheck every week, so I can't complain too much," she said, giving a slight smile.

It was the first time she smiled at him since the breakup. Ever since, it'd been confused or annoyed stares, or these weird looks of pity. He'd missed that smile. It was beautiful and genuine, and it always felt like there was a part of it that she was holding back somehow. Like there was a part of whatever joke that was just for her. It was special and so unique to her.

"When do you get off?"

"Nine," (Y/N) answered. She glanced at the clock on the wall. 7:38.

"Hour and a half to kill," Lev commented. "What do you say you give me a tour of the movies? Show me your favorites, the ones you hate, the ones everybody buys."

"I don't know..." she said, looking up at one of the security cameras.

"C'mon, it's a ghost town in here. You gotta do something to keep yourself occupied," he told her. A pleading look entered his red eyes. "It'll be fun."

'This is a bad idea,' she thought. But he had a point. Another hour and a half of boredom might make her fall asleep at the register. And as much as she hated to admit it... she missed him. "Alright," she caved.

Lev's grin was instant and contagious. (Y/N) couldn't fight a smile of her own coming onto her face, as she stepped from behind the counter.

"First, we have the rom-coms..." She hummed, looking around, before she picked up a movie. "Only You," she read aloud. "This one gets bought so much, and I don't get why. I hated it; everyone I talk to hated it, but people keep buying it." (Y/N) laughed and shook her head. Setting the movie back down in its place, she looked around. "Ooo, this is actually a good one," she remarked. "Four Weddings and a Funeral. I love it.

"You? Love a rom-com?" Lev teased. "I never would've thought that's possible."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," (Y/N) rolled her eyes. "I know, I'm more of a horror kind of girl. But this movie is actually really funny to me."

"Oh yeah?"


He picked up the movie, and examined it for a few moments. "Might have to check it out sometime," he muttered, before putting it back on the shelf. "What next?" He looked back at her, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Next, we have the horror section," she said. "Really big right now, for obvious reasons." She strolled across the aisle, before picking up a movie─── It. "This is pretty popular. All the guys buy it with their girlfriends, tryin' to look all tough."

"I bet they have nightmares 'bout it, though," Lev snickered.

"Yeah," (Y/N) said, an easy grin on her face. "Bet you had some nightmares after our first date."

"What? Pfftt, not with those dumb ones. We didn't watch anything that bad."

"I don't know," she teased, with a shrug. "You seemed pretty nervous to me. I think all the fake blood got to ya."

"It wasn't the fake blood," Lev said.

She didn't notice when he stepped closer. "Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah," he said, his voice softer now. "It was you." His lips curved into a gentle smile, as he peered down at her. "I was nervous, because I was trying really hard to impress you. And I wanted to kiss you."

This time she did notice when he stepped closer─── in fact, it was all she could really think about. He was so close. His breath fanned on her face, minty and fresh, as he leaned down.

"Kinda like right now..." he whispered, and he kissed her.

She was frozen for a few moments, but whatever fight she was having with herself ended, and she melted against him. Hand on the back of his neck, soft lips tasting of that 25 cent mango chapstick she swore by. He didn't want this moment to ever end.

But it did. The bell on the door rang, as it opened, and (Y/N) pulled away. "I── We can't───  I─  I have to go back to work now."

Lev nodded, trying to mask his disappointment. He loved her, he wanted her back. And for a moment, it seemed like she wanted it, too. But she walked back up to the counter, and she wouldn't look at him.

He left the store soon after.

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