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"I can't believe you've never read The Outsiders!"

"It's really not that big a deal."

"Of course it is, Tony," (Y/N) insisted. "It's a classic!"

As promised, Tony had tagged along with (Y/N) and Jess to McDonald's. Tony and Jess were both pretty far along on their burgers, while (Y/N) had already finished her simple meal of a medium order of fries. And there were still 15 minutes left of the lunch period, allowing them to talk──  or, perhaps more accurately, for (Y/N) to make fun of Tony for his lack of reading experience.

She'd grown up reading The Outsiders. She adored the characters, and could likely spend hours talking about the little nuances of the relationships between them.

But Tony claimed to have never read the book───  a travesty in her opinion.

"What's so great about it anyway?" Tony asked, leaning forward a bit.

"Oh, God..." Jess mumbled. "He doesn't know what he's getting into..."

"What's so great about it? Everything! All of the Greasers only have each other, and even though only some of them are actually family, they're all like family. I mean, especially with Johnny. With his dad, he has a rough time of it, but he has Ponyboy and the others with him. And it's relationships like that, that really drive the whole story! And───!"

"Okay, okay," Tony laughed. "I think I get the picture."

"It's a classic," (Y/N) maintained.

Tony shrugged. "I'm just more into comic books, is all."

"Oh, what comics are you into?" Jess asked.

"I like the DC comics," he said. "Marvel's okay, but none of the villains are as interesting as the Joker is."

"Plus, DC has Harley Quinn, and she's awesome," (Y/N) chimed in.

Tony seemed surprised. "You read comics?"

"I'm a woman of many interests, Tony, what can I say," she grinned.

Jess rolled her eyes. "You're a dork is what you are," she retorted. "Woman of many interests──  you're such a weirdo." Of course, there was that fond light in her dark eyes that let (Y/N) knew she was joking.

"Yeah, but you're best friends with a weirdo, so what does that say about you?" (Y/N) teased. "I was born a weirdo, totally not my fault. You choose to associate with a weirdo, which is your fault."

"I don't even know what to say to that."

"Yeah, because it was so smart, right?" (Y/N) was clearly very proud of herself.

"No, it's because that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," Jess deadpanned.

(Y/N) placed a hand over her heart. "I'm wounded... your rudeness has struck me in the heart... I can't do this... goodbye cruel world..." She flopped her head on the table.

"Is she always this dramatic?" Tony loudly whispered to Jess.

"Sometimes it's worse."

Head shooting back up, (Y/N) playfully glared at the pair. "The disrepect... the betrayal... what did I do to deserve this?"

"You didn't give me one of your fries," Jess answered, in a mock-serious tone.

(Y/N) stuck her tongue out at her friend.

"We should probably head back soon," Tony remarked, glancing around. "Don't wanna be late to class, y'know?" Having finished his burger, he crumpled up the wrapper, and began gathering up the trash on the table.

"I didn't strike you for a goody two shoes," (Y/N) teased.

"She's just saying that because she's always late," Jess told him.

"I am not!"

"Oh really?" Jess raised a brow. "You've never been on time a day in your life. You'll probably show up late to your own funeral."

"Hey, at least I'm on time to work!"

Jess sarcastically hummed, to which (Y/N) responded by sticking her tongue out at her.

"Where do you work?" Tony asked.


"Yeah? That's cool," he replied. "I'll stop by sometime, visit you."

(Y/N) nodded. She picked up her wrapper, and stood up. Tony and Jess followed suit. Together, they threw away the trash, and walked out of the McDonald's, laughing all the way.

•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•


"(L/N), come to my office."

It hadn't even been a minute after she'd walked through the door of her work, when her boss greeted her with arms crossed over his chest. His green eyes were unimpressed, letting her know immediately that whatever he wanted to talk about with her, it wasn't good.

Nodding, (Y/N) followed him into the office. She couldn't think of what had made him upset with her. Had he heard her shit-talking Sam the other day or something? She knew her boss liked him more than her.

He held the office door open for her, and shut it behind her.

"Mr. Wesley, what's going on?"

"I reviewed the security footage," he started. "And I saw what happened on Halloween. Listen, I don't care how slow it is, you don't slack off. I don't wanna see you making out with your little boyfriend───"

"He's not my boyfriend," (Y/N) insisted.

"I don't care what he is, I don't want you kissing him on company time," he said, his voice raising a bit. He sighed. "Listen, I'm giving you a warning now, because I know you're a hard worker and you need this job. But if it happens again, I'm gonna have to fire you."

(Y/N) nodded, and sighed. "Yes, yes, of course," she said. "It won't happen again."

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