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"Hey, (Y/N), how's it going?"

It was after school, when Lev jogged up to her with a casual smile on his face. Jess had tutoring after school, and Tony was absent, so it was just her. (Y/N) had her backpack slung over one shoulder, as she stopped and turned towards Lev.

"I'm alright," she answered. "Have the day off of work, so I get to rest a bit more." Of course, that was only if her mom continued to do well. This morning, she'd been in a spectacular mood. She was bouncing all over the place, even cooked breakfast for the two of them────  something that hadn't happened since (Y/N) was probably nine or ten. But (Y/N) knew that her mom's mood could flip in an instant, from the highest of highs, to the lowest of lows. And if she'd gone on a downward spiral, (Y/N) would be stuck taking care of her all night, with little rest for her. "How are you?"

Lev's red eyes lit up. "I'm good, I'm good," he said. "I was wondering if you, uh, wanted to hang out with me?" His half-smile seemed nervous.

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." she said, and hated herself for the look of obvious disappointment on his face. She felt like she'd just kicked a puppy. "I just──  I don't wanna give you the wrong idea." She couldn't get back together with him. No matter how much she missed him, or how much he showed his love for her. She couldn't.

"It doesn't have to mean anything!" he rushed to explain. "It can just be as friends!"


"Please, (Y/N). I won't make any moves on you, I won't do anything. Just as friends, I swear."

She hated that desperate look in his eyes, hated the pleading tone in his voice. But mostly she hated how convincing he was. She should say no. She should say no, walk away, ignore him until he left her alone and found someone else. She couldn't get back with him. She should say no. And yet...

"Okay," (Y/N) answered instead.

"Okay?" Vibrant and intense joy re-entered his red eyes.

She nodded, unable to fight off the smile at the look on his face. "Okay," she said again.

"Awesome!" He grinned. "Awesome, um──  how does the park sound?"

"The park?"

"Yeah," he said, a fond light filling his eyes. "Just like old times."

•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•

MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1995

The metal chains creaked loudly with every swinging motion. (Y/N) sat on a swingset, her legs moving her back and forth gently. Her (E/C) eyes stared forward at the orange sky, as the sun set over the small park. Trees obscured some of the light from filling the area, but it somehow added to the beautiful sight. Still, in spite of the tranquil scene, (Y/N) was somewhat tense. Her boyfriend───  ex-boyfriend? The terms of their break were unclear ───  sat on the swing beside her. He was motionless, and the golden glow of the sky filled his pale face. Lev had always had this otherworldly beauty. It was just another thing that made it hard to stay mad at him.

"Thanks for coming here," Lev said, his red eyes finally shifting to focus on her.

(Y/N) didn't meet his gaze, but nodded. "Yeah, well..." She missed him.

"Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry," he started. "I──  I know what I said was controlling and──  and it wasn't right. And I'm really, really sorry."

"It really hurt," (Y/N) admitted. "You're, like, my favorite person, and I really love you. And the fact that you don't trust me───"

"I do, I───  I do trust you..." Lev didn't trust anybody else, but he did trust her. "(Y/N), I'm sorry I got jealous. I was being stupid. You can hang out with whoever you want, I swear. I won't get mad like that ever again. Promise."

(Y/N) nodded slowly.

"Do you forgive me?" His voice was soft, timid. How could she not forgive him when he was just so sweet?

"Yeah," she said, a slow smile coming onto her face. "I forgive you."

Lev's response was immediate. His whole face lit up. He jumped up, and and lifted her from the swings. She squealed in surprise, as he spun her around in his arms.

"You're such a dork," she laughed in delight.

He kissed her, smiling against her lips. He'd always been a good kisser. (Y/N) smiled fondly at her boyfriend, as they pulled away.

"You're so beautiful when you smile," he told her.

Her cheeks warmed into a slight blush. (Y/N) was still unaccustomed to such sincere compliments.

"I promise to make you smile every day of your life," he vowed seriously. His red eyes stared lovingly into her (E/C) ones, and though a part of her thought his declaration was a little sudden, she mostly found it sweet.

There was no doubt in her mind that he meant it.

•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•

hey! Naries02 has once again made some wonderful fanart of one of my characters!

hey! Naries02 has once again made some wonderful fanart of one of my characters!

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thanks for the Lev fanart! it looks incredible :)

have a great day!

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