3.16 Family First

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WARNING: Disturbing content, non-con, sexual assault

"It's not too hot, is it?" Bennett asked after feeding me another spoonful of the chicken soup.

I shook my head in response. For once I had no real complaints about his cooking. There were no tricks involved whatsoever. I guess he really does genuinely plan on nursing me back to health.

Once he was done feeding me the soup, he placed the empty bowl on the nightstand. "Wouldn't it be nice if we could just put our differences behind us in the past?"

No. I'll always hate you no matter what. In this life and the next, I'll never forgive you!

"I know that we can't change the past, but we can always take control of our future." Bennett crawled on top of me and started to play with my hair. "Which is why I'm ready to take the next step in our relationship."

I sucked in a breath as I felt Bennett's hot breath in my ear as he leaned in closer. "I want to start a family with you."

My eyes went wide. He... can't be serious. There's no way I'd ever settle down with Bennett! Having kids with him is my worst nightmare!!!

"I... don't want kids." I meekly protested, while refusing to look him in the eye. "We're way too young and inexperienced!"

Bennett was starting to get angry. "Are you saying no to me?"

I needed to stand my ground. There's no way I can go along with this delusion! "I don't want kids!" I exclaimed firmly.

Bennett examined my face before tightly gripping my jaw. "You will have my child, whether you like it or not." Bennett's face slowly darkened. "This way you won't run away from me anymore."

As Bennett started to undress himself, I tried to break free from the ropes in the meantime. There's no way I can allow him to trap me like this!

I've been lucky enough to avoid pregnancy so far, but if Bennett is really determined then there's no way he'll stop until I'm pregnant! I can't allow something like that to happen!

"C'mon Vicky, don't fight it." He said while throwing a mischievous smile at me. "You should've known that being connected by body alone wouldn't be enough for me."

Once he was fully undressed, I was suddenly pinned down once more. "I want to share a genuine blood connection too." Bennett kissed me passionately before stroking my face. "You'll be a great mother to our child."

Eventually, I was allowed to rest when Bennett went to freshen up in the bathroom. Every part of me was aching. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

If this is what I have to go through every day from here on out, then I don't think I'll be able to handle it. My sanity feels like it's slowly chipping away as we speak.

Bennett returned with a glass of water in hand. "Considering I'm not human like you anymore, I'm curious about what this will mean for our children." Bennett sat down beside me and playfully pulled my cheek. "Maybe we'll have hybrids. Half-human, half-Striget..."

It just keeps getting worse and worse.

"Striget? So that's what your species is?" I meekly inquired.

Feeling content with himself, Bennett flopped down beside me to look at the ceiling. "Technically that's what we're called. But alien is also acceptable." Bennett turned to me with a cheesy smile. "My people came from the space. It's just like a sci-fi movie, right?"

Aliens? The human race is really doomed if this is real. I guess I know what's been causing those earthquakes now. Visitors from outer space... I swear this town is a hotspot for psychos!

After staring hatefully at Bennett long enough, the smug look on his face quickly started to annoy me as I wasn't a fan of his overconfident attitude. So, wanting to ruin his plans, I decided to make things turn sour.

"There's a chance that we might be incompatible..." I mumbled under my breath. Bennett raised an eyebrow at me, thus I decided to elaborate further. "You belong to a different race now, right? So maybe I won't be able–"

"You will have my child. It's not up for discussion." Bennett interjected as he forcefully grabbed my jaw.

"You can't disregard the possibility!" I firmly maintained.

Bennett clicked his tongue before loosening his grip on my jaw. "There's a reason why aliens like me came to earth. And that's because we're slowly going extinct on our own home planet."

After chugging the glass of water, he looked at me almost as if he were dazed. "Even if repopulating my species wasn't my mission, I'd still choose to start a family with only you."

Bennett stroked the side of my face with the back of his palm. Was that supposed to be endearing??? It only made me want to vomit as he pulled me in for another sickening deep kiss.

Once he was fully satisfied, he broke off the kiss before climbing on top of me once more. "Seeing as we have all the time in the world, let's not waste another second, okay?"

Dear God, not again so soon!

"I've been monitoring your unconscious body since finding you." Bennett continued. "You're about to start ovulating in the next upcoming days. So, we mustn't waste a second!"

Uuuu... he's started to track my cycle now? Can he get even grosser! The fact that he's been keeping record while I was asleep feels like a whole other level of invasive!

As Bennett went to attack my neck merciless, he started to speak incoherently between breaths. "I love you, Vicky." He groaned. "I'll overlook you having sex with him, but..."

Bennett sat upright and looked at me with wide maddening eyes. "If you ever fall in love with another man, I'll kill both of you." I involuntarily swallowed a gulp in fear. "Giving your body to someone is one thing. But your heart is reserved for me alone."

I had a feeling he'd think like that. But hearing him say it aloud is really the icing on the cake.

As I closed my eyes in fear, I felt Bennett's warm breath in my ear. "I'll even eat your heart, so it belongs to me alone."

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