s1 e22

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Alyssa's pov

morning came quickly and honestly i pretty much dragged myself out of bed. i made my way down the stairs and off into the kitchen. i can say i wasn't much of a coffee drinker but today i just needed one.

the apartment was more quieter than usual. usually it would've been the daily construction outside. i guess since it had gotten colder they stopped. good thing was, from my bedroom i could hardly hear any of it.

i inhaled deeper as i scanned my apartment, taking in the emptiness. having your own place was peaceful but lonely at times, then thanksgiving was tomorrow.

though i was spending it with Mat and Alex, which  was gonna be weird and awkward, it wasn't bad. i know Alex wasn't too happy about me tagging along and to be fair, i didn't want to but Mat suggested it.

im not gonna lie, it was pretty awkward being around Alex but she was only making things more awkward.

or was i?

maybe i was but it was highly inappropriate for a teacher to date their student, my job was on the line.

i had already kissed her, which was a huge mistake. we were drinking and messing around and it just went left, too damn fast.

Alex was weird, she was so closed off but open. she was so happy but obviously the sadness in her didn't stray far. you could tell she had a happy souls and that? that made that room light up when she walked in.

not to mention, her crappy jokes.

she was a pleasure to have around but the tension between the two of us was a killer. i don't know, she was being straight forward about what she wants, which obviously was me but damn.

the other night i could tell she was having a hard time when i kept brushing my knee over hers. but to be honest, i didn't have much room.

the other half of me was testing her though. seeing her all that nervous was adorable. maybe id do it again.

geez, take a seat Alyssa.

however, Alex was highly grounded. she held this big face, the tough girl. she was so rough around the edges but soft to the core, you just had to crack the shell.

when she talked about her mother, it was like something in her broke to even speak the words. she even sat and muted for a hot five minutes. i could tell she was hurting but she was hiding it well.

i sighed to myself as i shook myself out of the thoughts. maybe id go and stop by but don't i do that enough? eh, they're not really tired of me. maybe Alex is.

i already showered so i swiftly grabbed my belongings before heading out of the door.

"fuck," i mumbled under my breath as the wind practically smacked me in the face. it was cold as hell, too cold.

there was no need to try and heat the car up, i was a 20-25 minute drive from them. by the time id gotten to them, the car would be heated and it would be pointless, id be getting out.

plus traffic was light so i spent 10-15 minutes driving.

i took a small sigh of relief as i pulled up into the driveway. as i quickly parked, i immediately noticed Mat car wasn't here.


i went up into the porch and knocked two on the front door and waited as than a second before the door was yanked open by Alex. she wasn't too pleased to see me.

"my dad isn't here, you can go home," she says before trying to shut the door in my face.

"Alex, let me in," i quickly slid my foot within the rig before it had a chance to close.

she sighed loudly as she pulled the door open completely, sliding out of my way as i walked off into the house.

"what do you want? why are you here?" she rolled her eyes as she studied me. "my dad isn't here as i said before."

"i can see that," i stated. "were you gonna just let me freeze outside?"

"it was a plan," she nods.

"you're still not over yesterday i can see," i eyed her in which she only rolled her eyes. "your eyes can get stuck."

"shut up," she says rudely. "you practically knew fucked me yesterday and wanted to play it off as you didn't know what you were doing."

"i told you, i had no room and your long legs were in my way."

"sure," she rolls her eyes once more before she walks off. "well you're here for nothing, my dad is gone."

i questioned, " i can't just be here?"

"for what? to knee fuck me again? because if that's your plan, head right back out that door, Alyssa."

"you know, it's rude to tell your teacher to shut up."

"we're not on campus grounds so right about now, you're not my teacher."

"at least be respectful," i explained.

"i am being respectful," she eyes me. "or am i not being respectful the way you wish id be?"

fuck, huh? the question kind of caught me off guard.

"you need discipline."

she pulled her attention to me fairly quickly as she studied me hard, "im 23 soon to be 24 years of age, what kind of discipline do i need, Alyssa?"

i felt my body began to heat up and honestly i felt like i was sweating.

"shut up."

"make me," she says simply. "handcuff me to your bed and rail me."

"and that is why you need discipline," i shook my head.

"scared of losing your job? who's watching us? absolutely no one."

i eyed her coldly, "that's not funny."

"no ones laughing babe," she winks at me and shots me a smirk.

"my career is important to me Alex," i spoke firmly.

"i understand that completely but what you pulled in the restaurant yesterday was so uncalled for," she eyed me and i could tell she was being serious.

"i told you—"

"fuck off with that bullshit Alyssa," she blurted, interrupting me entirely. "i don't apologize that im slowly catching feelings for you but you don't get to just, "oh teacher student" me then casually start knee fucking me in the back of steakhouse."

she sounded upset, i don't know why but it was .. sexy. she actually got this mad a few days ago and it was just as sexy. though it highly sexy, i didn't know if i wanted to be intimidated or serious.

i gave her a nod, "okay Alex."

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