s1 e23

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breathe Alex breathe, you've got this. just a few more hours and the day will be over.

today was a lot harder than i expected but it was hard in general. i was somewhat glad that my dad and wouldn't be spending these days alone but fuck did it hurt not having mom.

the day felt colder than usual, maybe because the wind was picking up or my thoughts were swallowing me entirely.

i sighed to myself as i quickly swallowed the lump inside of my throat. my palms were beginning to sweat, fuck.

my dad, Alyssa and i made our way into the house and immediately, the noise rang through my ears. i could recognize just a max of three voice.

Rachel, max, and izy.

i wasn't all that well with matching voices and faces, once i seen you, i knew who you were but the home was so loud that i couldn't.

my dad and i made our way over to the bigger dining area as Alyssa tagged behind.

"oh my, hello," my aunt Rachel welcomed my dad and i in with warm hugs. her hugs were always gentle and fulfilling. like moms. "im glad you could make it."

"hi, auntie," i embraced her, giving her a small squeeze. "it's nice to see you."

okay, all is going well. at least for now.

"who's this?" she says as she pointed behind me at Alyssa. "is this a girlfriend of yours, Mat?"

"no," my dad shakes his head quickly.

"girlfriend of yours, Alex?" she eyed me.

fuck, why did this question make me nervous.

"no, she's uh just a friend of yours," i sighed softly under my breath.

my aunt gave us a nod as she turned to Alyssa, "well it's lovely to meet you, welcome. my name is Rachel, how about you?"


"well nice to meet you Alyssa, it's lovely having you here tonight."

"its lovely being here," she shoots her a smile as they embrace each other firmly.

i turned on my heels and made my way over to the sitting area where half of my cousins resided.

"Alex!" one of them blurted as i entered the room. "ive missed you." he says as he ran up to me.

"hi, tommy!" i shot him a smile as i embraced him tightly, giving his tiny body a firm squeeze. "how have you been?"

"ive been doing good!" he shouted. boy was he always loud. "ive been doing great in school and and,  look, i have new toys!" he pulls an actor figure from his front pocket.

"power ranger?" i questioned in which he nods to. "oh my goodness, i used to love these as a kid."

"now you're all grown up!" he smiles widely and i could help but melt inside. "how old are you now? 29?"

i laughed softly as i shoved his shoulder lightly, "funny but no im 23, ill be 24 in December."

"your birthday is coming up! how do you plan to spend it? can i come can i come?!"

"yes it is," i nod. "and yes you can but i don't plan on doing much but if you tag along i can take you bowling or even skating, sounds fun?"

"yes!" he shouted in excitement. "ill have to ask my mom though."

"that's fine," i shrug. "im sure she'll let you tags along."

"aye, Alex?"


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