s3 e17

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"Alex!" i heard Ava's loud voice ring through my ears. "help me choose what to wear! black or white?"

"uh," i glance over at her, pulling myself away from my computer. "when do you ever wear dark colors? you're always wearing something bright but but," i hold a finger up. "where are you going?"

"with Liam, he's trying to take me to dinner," she shrugs, smiling. "and he asked if you could tag long afterwards."

i scrunch my brow, watching Ava, "for what? why is that kid so invested in me? don't you find that a tad bit weird?"

"yes," she nods, wrapping herself up in her towel more tightly. "i just-i don't know Alex."

i sigh, pulling myself up out of the chair, "it's okay, Ava, relax. it's probably just my past getting to me-but somethings off about Liam. but im not knocking it, if he makes you happy, im happy for you, you know this."

she smiles, pulling her attention down to the ground, "thank you, i appreciate you."

"mhm," i shove her lightly, popping her on the arm. "get dressed, asshole."

making my way out of the bedroom, i made my way down the stairs going off into the kitchen.

suddenly, my phone rang and i wasted no time as my eyes scanned the caller id, "248? who the hell..?"

i answer, pulling the phone to my ear, "hello?"


"weird," i mumbled, pulling the phone down as i eye it. "hello! who is this?!"

once again, silence.

i groan, letting out a small sigh, "who the hell is this? why are you calling my phone?"

again, silence.

pulling the phone off of my ear, i wasted no time as i hung up. sliding my phone across the island. i leaned over onto the countertop, taking in the scenery of the kitchen as my eyes studied a certain spot.

mom loved the kitchen, it was like her second home. she cooked every second of her life..when she wasn't sick. to be fair, i got a few of my cooking skills from her..the memories.

i know i wasn't a big fan of the silence but sometimes sitting there, taking it all in, no noise was so peaceful. depressing at times but the memories made my soul smile.

"sweetheart?" i heard suddenly causing me to jump out of my thoughts. "you okay?"

i glance over, seeing my dad to my life honking a worried facial expression, "yeah-yeah uh yeah, im okay. wh-why?"

"you were staring off into space again, you've started doing that a lot more. you only did that around the time your mom died.. you sure that you're okay, baby girl?"

i nod, smiling faintly, "yes, im okay. i promise."

"i hope so," he eyes me worriedly, his hand resting softly on the center of my back. "but i just wanted to talk to you about something regarding your mom."

i nod, "im listening, go on."

he questions, "remember the letters we found and rest recently?"

"i do, yes. what about her..?"

he shakes his head as he begins pacing, "somethings not .. fitting, i don't know. somethings off."

"dad, what are you talking about? what's off-what are you trying to say exactly?"

"does something seem-i don't know-off to you?" he questions, his head now tilted.

"well," i shrug slow. "Ava has recently been seeing this kid named Liam.. somethings not right about him. i mean it's only been a week and im not trying to jump off and jump to conclusions but dad.." i tilt my head, meeting his gaze. "somethings not right about him. he's asking me personal questions, trying to get closer to me and shit."

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