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9pm was time when Jungkook came back home from Taehyung's house and he was a little bit tired since they played whole time.

"Mom!!! I'm home!!" Jungkook yelled as he walked into house.

"Living room!"  Soo-Min yelled to her son.

Jungkook walked towards living room and smiled happily when he saw his mom.

"Hey baby, did you have fun with Tae?" Soo-Min asked as Jungkook sat down next to her and hugged her by side.

"Yes mom, he is so energetic that I'm tired right now." Jungkook said and giggled.

"He is cute, isn't he?" Soo-Min asked.

"Of course he is, he is my baby after all." Jungkook said, knowing very well what he said.

What can I say, today's kids knows more than we think and more than they should know and just like that Jungkook knew that he loves Tae but not in brotherly nor friendly way.

"Ohh~ your baby, hmm?" Soo-Min teased Jungkook who lightly blushed and hided his face with his hands.

"Momm!! Don't tease me!!" Jungkook whined, earning a chuckled from his mom.

"Sorry not sorry baby but you two looks so cute together." Soo-Min said.

"You know mom, I really love him." Jungkook said.

"And I'm sure that Taehyung loves you too. He always blush when you say something sweet to him. It's so cute to watch you two being sweet towards each other." Soo-Min said, smiling widely while she was playing with Jungkook's hair.

"You think?" Jungkook said.

"I'm sure.... wait let me pick up the phone." Soo-Min was talking until her phone started ringing. She let go of Jungkook and stood up, grabbing her phone and accepting call.

"Yes?" Soo-Min said.

"Hello! Is Mrs. Jeon speaking?" Person on the other side said.

"Yes, it's me. Who are you?" Soo-Min asked.

"Mrs. I'm doctor Jung, your husband had car accident and he is in hospital right now." Doctor Jung said.

"W-what!?" Soo-Min asked.

Her voice started shaking, she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Mrs. we are in hospital xxx in London. Hello! Mrs.?" Doctor Jung said.

"I'm here! We will be there in few hours!" Soo-Min said and ended call.

"Mom! What happened?" Jungkook asked as he looked at his mom with worry in his eyes.

"Baby, pack few your things. We need to go to your dad, right now!" Soo-Min said.

"What? Why?" Jungkook asked.

"He had accident." Soo-Min said and broke down.



Taehyung woke up happily, today is day when he will stay night at Jungkook's, well that's what he thinks.

He stood up, went to the bathroom to do his morning routine, wore some comfortable clothes before going downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning mom and dad!" Taehyung said happily, kissing his parents cheeks. He was happy seeing all of them together, it's Saturday that's why his dad is at home.

His dad other days leaves earlier on work so he don't see him on breakfast. That's why Saturday and Sunday are best days for him.

"Good morning Tae." Sun-Hi said, kissing her son head before serving breakfast. Kwang looked at her with question in his eyes but she just shook her head, saying to let Tae eat first.

Taehyung got happy when his mom served him his favorite pancakes with strawberry milkshake.

"Umm, it's so tasty mom! Thank you." Taehyung said and continued to eat his breakfast.

"You're welcome baby, eat well." Sun-Hi said and smiled then she and Kwang started eating too.

"Honey, what are we gonna do today?" Kwang asked Sun-Hi, trying to light up situation.

"Umm, I don't know. Maybe we should do something together with Tae. What do you say baby?" Sun-Hi asked.

"Umm, we can go in park but not for to long because I will go to Kookie later." Taehyung said. Sun-Hi looked at her husband and smiled sadly.

'How am I gonna say this to him?' Sun-Hi thought.

"That's great idea son!" Kwang said, saving situation for now. Sun-Hi sighed and continued eating.

After 30 minutes they all were done with breakfast.

"Mom, I will go and call Kookie to come with us!" Taehyung said and was about to go out of the house but his dad stopped him.

"What is it dad?" Taehyung asked as he looked up at his dad.

"We need to tell you something first. Let's go to the living room." Kwang said. Taehyung nodded and went with his dad in the living room where he saw his mom with teary eyes.

Taehyung run to her with worry in his eyes.

"Mom! What happened to you? Why are you crying?" Taehyung asked while hugging his mom.

"Baby, look at me." Sun-Hi said. Taehyung pulled away and looked at his mom. Sun-Hi smiled to him then wiped her tears.

"Baby, you can't go to Kookie tonight." Sun-Hi said.

"Whyyy?" Taehyung asked and pouted.

"Because he and his mom left yesterday to London. Uncle Seung had an accident and is in hospital. They said that they don't know when they will be back." Sun-Hi said.

Taehyung started crying and shaking his head as no.

"N-no!! It's not true!!" Taehyung said and run out of the house. He was going to Jungkook's house to see that he is still there and that all of this is just a prank.

On his way to there some drunk man hitted Taehyung with car and he fall down on the ground.

"TAEEE!!!!" Sun-Hi and Kwang yelled as they saw what just happened to their son. They run towards him and picked him up, checking his puls and breathing.

"He is alive!! Let's go to hospital!" Kwang said. They went into their car and drove away towards hospital, praying for everything to be good.

When they came into hospital, doctor checked Taehyung and thanks to God Taehyung didn't have any bone fracture not anything serious but there still was one problem, one big problem.
It's sad to say this but truths are always the saddest, Taehyung had forgot Jeons.


On the other side, just when Taehyung had accident Jungkook stir up in his sleep. He looked around and sighed in relief that he and his mom was at the hospital with his dad in the room.

"Kookie is everything okay?" Soo-Min asked when he noticed sudden change in Jungkook.

"I had a dream where Tae got into accident while running towards our house and he forgot us, he forgot me." Jungkook said, his voice shaky.

"It's just a nightmare honey, don't worry. Okey." Soo-Min said and smiled. Jungkook nodded but he can't but feel uneasy.

He had some weird feeling in his chest, feeling that something isn't right, feeling that something bad happened.

'I hope it was just a nightmare, please just be a nightmare.' Jungkook thought but little did he know that it was real.


,,Back to you" Taekook ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن