The threat

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“You know what's funny? For a minute there, I thought I would have to share my mate with my brother. My twin at that. I guess Selene changed her mind at the last minute because that would be so fucked up.” I said to my parents, who were still a bit down because Ryland decided to leave.

I get why he wanted to leave, and I supported him a hundred percent, if it means getting him away from Elias, then I'd do anything.

But that was beside the point, even though Ryland made a promise of being back within a year, I already miss him. We didn't get along because of me, but I couldn't help but miss my brother the more I realized he wasn't going to be here. That he would be gone for quite some time trying to find his second chance mate.

“I know. You're the jealous type Ryker, you and Ryland would butt heads over Elias, so it was a good thing this didn't go in that direction. I'm just sad that he has to suffer because of this fucked up situation you are all in.” Mom said as dad handed her a glass of orange juice. Mom wasn't someone who would often curse, but if she was either sad or furious then things would be different.

“I'm sure he'll be fine, darling. We just have to worry more about his health. I'm just happy that Paxton his with him, you know how smart his wolf is, right?” Dad asked mom as they laughed at a joke I was yet to understand.

Ryland also wanted his space, if he was running without letting us know, then that would be a problem. I guess we should get that which on our side just in case that were to happen in the near future.

“Yeah , Paxton and Maxwell are two devils, but they know how to set Ryland and Ryker straight.” Mom whispered while nodding her head.

“I'm going for a run, be back soon. Max has been dying to get out ever since we got over that pain thing.” I said as I drank the rest of my orange juice before I left. Once I was outside, I shifted into my wolf form, letting Max know that he still existed, since he was also mad at me for not letting him out often.

The run didn't take that long because I was stopped by Raina who had a very pissed off look on her face. Shifting, she snapped her fingers and clothes appeared on my body right away, I guess she would rather not get a view of my body for too long.

“Pathetic.” She said, and I raised my eyebrow at her.

“You think I don't know what you're up to? I tapped into your mind and believe me I didn't like what I saw.” She walked up to me, so she could stand in front of me, letting me see just how angry she was.

“I have no clue what you're talking about.” I replied innocently, which she laughed at.

“Don't play dumb Ryker, the minute you take Elias from here, you intended to abuse him, so I want you to get that thought out of your mind. Your parents might be naive to think that you have changed, but I know better. Yes, my aunt helped by suggesting you and Elias should accept each other so that Ryland wouldn't die, and I wouldn't want that to happen to him.” I glared at Raina as she came closer to me so that she could whisper in my ears.

“My Aunt may be stronger and more powerful than I am, but don't think for a second I would hesitate in making sure your head is severed from your body. I will be with Elias even if he leaves, so I can protect him. If you so much as let him shed a tear over you, I will gladly end your pathetic life because you don't deserve him, none of you do.” After delivering her threat, she disappears, leaving me there fuming.

So what if I was just pretending to change? She didn't have any right to invade my privacy and to call me out like that. I huffed as I thought back on what she said. Yes, I was going to take Elias home with me after sorting everything out with Lilliana given the fact that she adopted him.

I didn't really need her consent because he was old enough to make that choice on his own, but I wanted to make sure it was ok with Lilliana if I left with Elias. The fact that I had fooled everyone except Raina into thinking that I had changed was something else. I chuckled as I made my way back home, Max once again ignoring me because of how short his run was as if it were my fault.

'Of course it's your fault. But that's not the reason I'm ignoring you, I'm only here celebrating your misfortune.' Max said, and I rolled my eyes.

'Whatever floats your boat.' I replied, trying to rile him up. It didn't seem to work because he blocks me right away. Why does everyone have to be so damn annoying? I get that they want to protect Elias, but they should learn to mind their own business, it would do them some good if they did that.

I scoffed as I realized that I had not only fooled my parents, but also the elders.

They were too caught up in their world to realize I had played them, which felt so good. I just hope that Elias doesn't catch on to my lies and I can take him back home without any problems. I'll give him a few weeks, too, to make sure he gets comfortable enough.

Then I will strike, I know that I should just move on with Elias and try to work things out, but I can't.

That's just not me, I would go right back to the person I was before, and it won't be a pretty sight. I just pray to the goddess for helping those who get in my way because the time for change will happen sooner than they think.

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