Not what I expected

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“You can't be serious!” I shouted, not believing what he was saying. He only stared at me with a blank expression on his face, as if challenging me to try to stop him. I shook my head while standing up, as I began to pace because I didn't know what to do anymore.

“I'm finally able to settle down and start a relationship with my mate after so long, and this is what you're telling me? What you told me before now, was it all a lie? Was it a way of getting me to be soft so that I can let you do this?” I asked, even though I didn't believe that was his intention.

'No Ryker that's not it at all. My parents must know something about my powers and how I can get it back. Plus I won't go alone, I'll have Raina there with me, and I'm sure now that I've told you, you would be there as well.' He replied with a scoff before folding his arms. Damn right, I'll be there. I wouldn't let him go through this without being there to comfort him.

'Stop acting as if you're perfect, you wanted to kill me, remember? You're just like them.' He said, and I looked down, suddenly feeling guilty of what I did in the past.

“I was in a bad place in the past, I hated rogues, and so I deemed you one right away, even when I knew you were my mate. At least you forgave me, so that's all that matters.” I replied, which had him rolling his eyes, a small smile came on his lips for a few seconds before it disappeared.

“And you also want Raina to help you get your voice back. What if it doesn't work?” He only shrugged his shoulders before sighing. Standing up, he made his way towards me with his head held high, as if challenging me.

'If it doesn't work I'll be ok, I'm stronger than you think. Now let's not talk about that anymore.' I raised my eyebrow at him as he started to play with the buttons on my shirt. What the Fuck is wrong with him?

'I was also wondering, during my heat I didn't experience sex the way I wanted to because forest blocked me. I still don't know what you did to him and I know that he wouldn't want me to find out but.....' he looks up at me, a blush was on his face that made me realize where this was going. But I decided to play along so that he could have his way.

'I um, I was wondering if you would like to show me, I mean if you would like to have sex with me right now.' He finishes, before looking away. Max, on the other hand, was about to lose control, I had to block him so that he wouldn't take over. He wasn't allowed to kiss Elias right now because of what he did to Sheila, that was his punishment.

“Are you certain that's what you want? We can wait, you know.” I wanted to make sure he knew what he was asking for if we did this he had to be one hundred percent sure because I would rather not hurt him, not after the last time.

'I'm certain, I won't change my mind.' He replied and I nodded my head. I held his chin and lifted his head up so that he could look at me. His blue eyes were sparkling with life, something that I loved seeing.

“Can I kiss you?” Consent. It's one of the best feelings in the world. Knowing that the other person has the opportunity to back out without any hard feelings. I needed his permission before I proceeded because from now on, I'll make sure certain things are different for us. He nodded his head, and I brought my lips down to his, kissing him as if it were the first time.

After a few seconds of kissing, it got heated to a point where he was ripping my shirt off, which was followed by the rest of my clothes. I didn't stop him because it turned me on seeing him like this. I lifted him up and marched with him towards the bed, throwing him on it before settling on top of him. I was kissing him like I was starving, hungry for more.

I wanted him over and over again. I couldn't wait to be buried deep inside him. I can't believe I almost lost this, a feeling I wish I wouldn't have to let go at all. After I got him undressed, I then used the lube I had hidden in the draw of my bedside table. Prepping him to make sure he was alright, I never wanted to see him in any kind of pain again.I took my time entering him because I wanted this to be enjoyable for him as well.

'What's my scent like?' He asked out of nowhere, stopping me from what I was doing. Let's see, his scent. I've never really paid attention to it before, but now it was hard to miss.

“I was biased when it came to your scent before. I would rather not acknowledge the fact that every time I smell it, it turns me on. It wasn't just the bond, but also your scent that was driving me crazy. Do you know freesia?” I asked and he nodded his head.

“That flowers match you just perfectly. It smells Devine, like freshly picked fruits. So delicate and so sweet, just like you.” I kissed him slowly this time, taking my time to know him better. I wasn't in a rush this time, it wouldn't be like when he got his heat. I wanted to savor this, and that's what I did.

Staring into his eyes while I take him on a pleasurable journey had been a new experience for him. I could see how much he was enjoying this. If he could talk, I would have heard his moans by now, but one day I hope I would be able to. I just pray that Raina would be able to help him. So that I can hear his voice, his laugh. It's all I could ever ask for.

'Y-your scent, it's not rusty, I lied before.' He said, and I paused so that I could give him my full attention.

'It smells like vanilla, it's very exotic. I hate to admit it, but it calms me down whenever I smell it. I apologize for fighting you all the time Ryker, it wasn't really my intention, I just had no other choice. When you've gone through what I did and the way you treated me, I was blinded with hate, and so I forgot the most important part of our relationship.' I silenced him with a kiss. He didn't have anything to apologize for, it was all my fault. I'd be damn if I would ever make him unhappy again. After this, I promise to protect him with my life, I promise to be the mate he always wanted. That I swear on my life.

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