Saying goodbye

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When I woke up the following day, I forgot what had happened before. I forgot about Elias falling asleep next to me as it rains. I felt something or someone pinning me down on the bed, and I moved on instinct. Pushing the person as hard as I could and hearing a yelp in return. Looking down, I noticed that it was Elias and started to scowl. How the hell could I have gotten so weak and allowed him in bed with me?

It all started coming back to me, my memories being plagued by what I was saying to him and how I was reacting to him being so close. How could I even fall asleep with him, and even went as far as thinking about how good it felt to have him as my Mate and in my arms? What the hell is wrong with me?

'Ryker what the hell was that?' He asked as he stood up and glared at me.

“What the hell was that? Get the Fuck out of my room!” My voice sounded strange, even to my ears. Elias jumps and ran as fast as he could out of my room. So much for making progress, right? I sighed as I got up off the bed, then made my way towards the bathroom. A cold shower would help me, so that's what I did. How would I even face him, knowing I treated him so poorly? I don't know what's happening to me.

All I know is that I woke up in a pissed, poor mood. I wanted to kill, it was long overdue. My temper was trying to control me, one that I thought I had a reign on, but I thought wrong. I need to head home like today, I just can't be here anymore. The rain had stopped and so it was safe for me to travel back. Maybe I could ask Raina for some help, but she hates my guts and would probably send me to hell instead.

After my shower, I got dressed and started packing my stuff. It wouldn't take long, since I didn't bring a lot of stuff here with me. I needed to get my parents and leave as soon as I can. When I was done packing, I walked out, slamming the door shut as hard as I could. A frown on my face was evidence enough to not bother me today.

It was one of those days when my temper was getting the better of me. I walked as fast as I could to my parents' room, I needed to leave immediately or things would go bad for everyone here. I tried to change, but no, this shit had to happen now. Pounding on their door over and over so that they could hurry and open it. The door finally opened and I saw mom standing there with a confused look on her face.

“What's going on?” She asked as she took in my distressed state.

“It's happening, mom and I need to leave right now with Elias, so I don't hurt anyone here.” It seems as if she understands and pulls me inside.

“What's going on?” Dad asked as he made his way over to us.

“The anger, my temper, the need to kill. It's overwhelming, and it's getting out of control. I need to leave with Elias right this very minute. If I have to fight for him, I will because I'm not going back without him.” My voice was dark, it even sounded strange to my ears. Dad's eyes became wide and he nodded his head.

“We got the answers we needed. Ryland is gone, so there's no reason for us to stay here any further. It's a good thing we didn't unpack, so we can grab our stuff and hope we can get Raina's help. We need to leave as soon as possible.” Dad muttered, and I nodded my head, agreeing with him.

This was what I felt before killing rogues, all this anger was stemming from somewhere deep down. When I get this way, no one can stop me. Like I said, I thrived on fear. It's the only way I get to deal with things, even if It was wrong. Yes, I did admit that I required help, but I was too much of a coward to seek the help that I so desperately needed.

I didn't wait for my parents to finish, I ran as fast as I could to the room I was told belonged to Lilliana and Samuel. After knocking, Samuel answered it and gave me a look as if I were invading on his personal time. Yeah, I guess I cock blocked him.

“May I help you?” He asked and I nodded my head.

“Yes. I'm here to let you and Lilliana know that I will be taking Elias back with me today. I know it's too soon, but something came up, and I need to leave as soon as I get the chance.” I explained, hoping they would let me go without a fight. A fight I was so desperately craving . Lilliana chose that moment to let her presence be known, and trust me, she was mad.

“You let Elias come back here crying and expect me to just let you go with him like that!?” She shouted as she took a step towards me. Samuel held her back, trying to stop her from making one of the biggest mistakes of her life.

“I get that I may be a bit temperamental, and every so often I forget things that happen the day before. I forgot that Elias was there with me, and so I snapped at him. I promise you it won't happen again. We both knew that I would be leaving with him, so the time had come. Please don't fight me on this, you know all about separating mates.” I replied, and that seemed to knock her out of whatever she was thinking.

“Fine. I'll talk to Elias and let him…" I held my hand up, stopping her from continuing.

“That would be ok, yes, but we need to leave like right now. I was hoping you could talk to Raina instead and get her to help us make our travel a bit shorter.” I was trying my best to stay calm in front of them. The anger was threatening to come forth and if I didn't leave right now, there's going to be a bloodbath here.

“Ok, I'll talk to her. I sent Elias a mind link letting him know what was going on. He should be through with packing, since he doesn't really have numerous things.” I nodded my head and made a move to leave, but Lilliana stopped me instead.

“You know, he won't be able to complete his classes here. He was going to therapy and sign language class. I guess I can count on you to let him continue those back at your pack?” Lilliana asked as if she were waiting for me to mess up. She was waiting for me to say or do something wrong, so she would be able to keep Elias here.

“I will do anything for him If it makes him happy. I'm not that of a bad person, you know. I just need to have control.” I replied as I felt my eye started to twitch. My breathing was becoming shorter the longer I stood here, wasting time. Darkness was already taking over and at the end of the day, I would be a complete different person.

“Everything is set, let's get going then.” Lilliana replied as she started to walk away with Samuel hot on her heels. A small crowd was gathered outside, saying goodbye to Elias, who was still crying. He was clinging to Raina as if she were his last hope, as if nothing or no one was going to save him.

“I promise I'll be there for you everyday, Elias, you don't have to worry. We'll go to our treehouse, and we will spend some time on the swings like old-time right?” Raina asked as she tried to get Elias to calm down.

He said something to her through mind link, and she nodded her head after making a promise. Lilliana walks up to them next, hugging Elias and wishing him good luck.

“You are still my son, Elias, please remember that. The moment I saw you, I knew you were special, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you Elias with all of my heart, and please remember to visit me often. I would have to tear down this entire planet if it means I get to see you again.” Lilliana was crying by the time she was done.

I hated that this was happening, but we had to leave. It was the only way. It was Bryan and Brendan's turn as well as a couple more people and Jason who seemed a bit hesitant about being close to Elias. I wonder what that was about. Thereafter, I stood next to mom, dad, and Elias as we got ready to be teleported back to my pack. I know what's going to happen from now on, and it made me hate myself even more.

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