A surprise

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This was a surprise. The fact that Elias was in my bed curled up in my arms left me in shock, even though apart from me didn't mind at all. I opened the door earlier to find Samuel standing there with Elias in his arms, and to tell you the truth, I felt a twinge of jealousy at that moment.

I scowled when I realized where my thoughts were taking me or what I was currently doing. Never in my entire life have I thought about being with a man, let alone cuddling with one who is my mate and to tell you the truth, this felt right. Elias shifted and his eyes opened wide with fright as another loud thunder echoed throughout the room. I heard his heartbeat galloping, which told me that he was scared of the storm.

“It's not going to get you, Elias, can you stop acting like a damn child?” I mentally facepalmed myself because I couldn't believe that I had opened my mouth and said that. He pushes me away, standing up while backing away from me. I guess I deserved that, didn't I?

“Where are you going? Come back to bed.” I said, but he only shook his head. Stubborn asshole. I got up and made my way over to him, lifting him up in my arms, and went back to bed where it was warm and comfortable.

'I don't even know why I'm here when I still hate you.' He said, and I narrowed my eyes at him, thinking of something to say that would hurt him.

“Have you ever wondered why everyone else talks to you and not do it through mind link like Raina? It's because you are too dumb to understand. No one wants to waste their time on you, if they communicate with you in that way, it will only damage their brain.” I meant it as an insult, but he only laughed silently while shaking his head. I thought he would be crying and throwing a fit, but I guess I was wrong.

'Can you stop drooling?' I asked Max, who was wagging his tail excitedly from being so close to his mate.

'Nope. Stop insulting my mate and then we will talk.' He replied with a growl. I went back to focusing on Elias because there was no getting through to Max when he's like this.

“You know there's something we haven't talked about.” Elias looked at me confused as to what I meant, so I continued.

“We accepted each other, yes, that's part one. But part two is the mating ritual. We have to mate and mark each other before the full moon, which should be here by next week. I, for one, am not ready for that, but if it's something we have to do, then there's no stopping it.” I shuddered at the thought of being with him like that, the moon goddess sure has a fucked up sense of humor.

She knows that I didn't want a male mate, yet she handed me one on a fucking silver platter.

'I'm not ready for that.' Elias replies, nervously chewing his lips that look so plump and ready for my taking. I was so tempted to pull him close to me and kiss him like there was no tomorrow. I guess it is safe to say I have been in denial all this time, placing the blame on the moon goddess when in truth I wanted this.

Just staring at his lips as he continues to bite them, had me feeling so turned on, I wish I were the one tasting them. The mate pull was definitely in full swing right now as I felt my cock hardening by the seconds.

His eyes became wide, and it was then that I realized he could smell my arousal, should I be ashamed? Heck yes. I didn't get turned on by the same gender, that was far from my mind. But here I am, drooling over Elias as I wish I could fill his mouth with my cock and watch him take his time pleasuring me.

“Ugh my mind is a mess right now, stop doing that.” I chastised because I couldn't concentrate. It would only lead to something I'm sure we would both regret later, even though Max was dying for a taste of him.

'I'm not doing anything, you should stop being a pervert.' He shot back as he tried to leave the bed once more, but I pulled him back down to me. A lightning chose that moment to make its appearance, and Elias jumps a little as he buries his head in the crook of my neck to try to escape the thunder that follows.

“Why are you so afraid of the storm? I bet your wolf isn't like that.” I said, trying to find out what happened to him.

'It's none of your business. Just stop talking so I can relax.' He replied and I sighed. How are we supposed to work things out if he's being so difficult? I get that Raina doesn't trust me, heck, I don't even trust myself because of what I was thinking when we left here. Being around him had only left me feeling so confused. One minute I want nothing more than to watch him suffer, and the next minute I want nothing more than to rip his clothes off and have my way with him.

I'm fucked up, right? I guess Ryland leaving messed up my mind a little, causing me to lose focus on what's vital. I will still have to carry out my plan once we leave, but I'm not going to think about that right now. For the first time in a long time, I felt…complete. I know it's because I'm here with Elias, the minute he leaves my thoughts would drift back to killing rogues and anyone else who disobeys me.

To have everyone fear me like before. But for now, I'll take this. At least I can give myself some sort of happiness because I don't know how long it will last. With that last thought and Elias next to me, I fell asleep feeling more at peace wrapped up in my mate's arms where I belong.

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