Im Sorry

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Hunter's POV

         I had just walked into where my uncle was so that I could tell him where I was going, well not actually where I was going but an excuse place that I was going so that he didn't find out that I was going to meet up with Edric, did that even make sense? "Sir, I'm going out to hunt for pailsman now. I just wanted to let you know." He simply nodded and I made my way out the door.

I landed outside of the library where I was supposed to be meeting Edric at 7pm and it was already 7:05 and he was no where to be seen. I waited a couple of minutes more before I decided I would leave, mabey he didn't want to hang out anymore. Just as i was about to leave I saw Emira standing at the bottom of the stairs, "Hunter, right?" She smiled, "Yea, your Edric's twin sister right?" I smiled back at her but still confused as to why Edric wasn't here.

"Yea, your probably wondering why I'm here and Edric isn't? He has a really good explanation I promise." I looked at her and said "Does he not want to hang out with me anymore?" I looked down at the floor because I genuinely thought that Edric thought I was weird or something and didn't want to hang out with me anymore. "No, no that's not it. Edric is grounded and our mom said that she doesn't want him seeing you anymore. She somehow found a photo of the two of you hugging and lets just say she wasn't to happy." I could feel my heart shatter, was I really the reason why Edric was now in trouble?

"I'm so sorry Emira, I didn't mean for him to get into so much trouble just because of me. I just wanted to feel like a regular teenager with a friend.  If I'm being honest, I don't get much attention back at the castle and this was a nice change of pace." She smiled and said "Hunter, don't blame yourself, I get it. I think it's great that you and my brother found each other, your probably one of the best things that have happened to Edric lately." I could feel tars starting to form in my eyes as I thought more about how Edric must hate me for this.

He must hate me so much now and now he's never going to want to hang out with me again. "Emira, can you tell Edric that I'm sorry? I'm sure it doesnt make up for him being in trouble but mabey he wont hate me as mu-" "Hate you? Hunter do you really think Ed hates you because of this?"  I looked at the ground to avoid her from seeing me cry, "Y-yea, kind of." I finally sat down on the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest while crying.

A few seconds later I could feel a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see that it was Emira sitting next to me looking concerned, "Hey, your ok, and don't worry Hunter doesn't hate you quite the opposite actually." "R-really? He doesnt?" She smiled, "No, of course not. He actually was just telling me before I left that he hopes to see you again because even thought its only been a day, he misses talking to you. I smiled at the thought of Edric talking about me to his sister or really to anyone.

"He did?" She sighed and looked up at the night sky, "Yea, he seems to really like you. He's been talking about you non stop since you two m- uh i mean yea there's really no going back from that, just promise you wont tell him I told you all this? He would kill me." My smile just grew bigger at the mention of what she said. "I wont tell him, I mean how would I if I cant see him?"

Emira looked over at me and said "Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about, Ed and I were trying to figure out a way on how to get you into our house without our mom finding out, that way you and him can see each other." "And how do you suppose we do that?" I was genuinely curious because I would do anything to see Edric again. "Well, our parents have a presentation tomorrow night around 8 pm, and luckily they will be downstairs in presenting and they only ever require Amity to be there so we can easily sneak you in."

I looked at her hopefully and said "You think that this will work?" "I'm sure it will. Ok now I got to go but meet me back here tomorrow night at 7:30 pm, my parents will downstairs already since they like to practice for there presentations." "Ok ill be here. Oh and Amity?" She was about to walk away but then turned around, then I said "Thanks, for helping out with this. It's nice that your doing this for Edric." She smiled and then turned back around to walk away.

Hopefully this plan works, I'm not ready to lose Edric.

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