Sometimes Change Is Good

156 11 4

Edric's POV

     As soon as I made it to my room, I shut the door and grabbed my scroll from off of my side table and messaged Hunter. 

{Text between Hunter and Edric, Bold writing will be Edric and regular writing will be Hunter}

Hunter, can we talk?

Sure, what's wrong?

Can I call you?

Of course.

{End of text}

I got my crystal ball and called Hunter, and after a few rings he finally answered. "Hey, is everything ok?" "My parents are getting a divorce and my dad is making me live with my mom for the school year, except I don't want to because then she will have me on lockdown all time, so I don't see you." He looked at me and said, "She can't do that." "Last time I checked since im not 18 yet, then she can do anything she wants to."

I sat up against my headboard and said, "I just wish none of this was happening and that I could just be with you and be happy. I guess fairytales like that just aren't real." "Why don't you ask your mom if you can stay with Jerbo and his family for the rest of the school year?" I laughed, "That might work, but Jerbo and his family are leaving early on a trip." "Yes, but just tell her that you're staying with him, but instead you can stay with us for the rest of the school year, just until you can go with your dad." I smiled and said, "Alright, but if she figures it out then im giving you up and blaming you."

He looked at me with a shocked but kind of smiling face, "How could you? Would you actually blame me?" "Hey, you're the one that doesnt want to come with me next year, so yes I would." His smile faded, "Don't be like that, we had this discussion already." "Sorry. I have to go, bye." I hung up the call before he could say anything, I know it was rude, but it makes it hurt a little less.

I climbed off of my bed and put the crystal ball back onto my desk, then I walked over to my bed and laid back down. A few minutes later I heard a knock at the door and then I heard Emira say, "Hey, Ed? Can I come in?" "The doors open." I sighed as she walked in and closed the door, "How are you?" She said as she took a seat on my bed. "I'm as good as I can be for the news we just got." She smiled softly and then laid down next to me. 

"I think we both knew that this was coming sooner or later, right?" She said as she turned to look at me. I continued to stare at the ceiling and said, "You mean because of the constant fighting?" "Well, yes that, but have you noticed how close dad and Darius have been lately?" I turned my head and said, "What do you mean?" "I mean, I think dad and Darius might have something going on, that mommy dearest wasn't too happy about."

I shook my head slightly, "No, it was his idea though." "Thats what she wants us to think, so that she doesnt seem like the bad guy here." I laughed, "Wow, dad and Darius? Now that is something." She laughed and said, "Yea, also I may or may have not seen them the other day and they may or may not have been holding hands," "So, when do you think he going to tell us?" She looked up at the ceiling and said, "Hopefully soon, I can't keep it in any longer that I know." 

I looked back up at the ceiling and then Em said, "Are you ready to go back downstairs?" "No, can we just stay here for a while, you know before everything changes?" She grabbed my hand and held it in hers. "Sure, but you know that sometimes change is good Ed, and I feel like this change will be good for us." I took another deep breath, "I hope so."

Authors Note: Sorry for the late update, I meant to upload it earlier, but some things happened, and my grandma ended up in the hospital, Shes fine she just had a bit of a fall and there monitoring her to make sure Shes ok. As always thank you for reading and have a great Morning, Afternoon or Night.

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