Tux Shopping

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Edric's POV

     "EDRIC! GET UP, YOUR DAD WILL BE HERE SOON!" I grabbed my bag off of my desk chair and headed downstairs, "I'm up, I was just getting ready." I sat down at the table where my mom had set a bowl of cereal. "Eat your food, your dad will be here soon to pick you up." "You're ok with seeing him, right?" It's been a few days since we told her about the engagement and she's been, well not herself, and by that, I mean she's been nice and well that's not her. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" "I mean, you know what never mind." She smiled and walked back into the kitchen.

After I finished my breakfast I heard a knock at the door, "I got it!" I ran over to the front door and opened it, standing there was my dad and Hunter, "Hey." I said as I stepped aside to let them in. "Come in, I just need to grab my bag, I left it in the kitchen."

I walked off back into the kitchen to get my bag, when I noticed my mom standing in the corner of the room, "Uh, mom? What are you doing?" I asked while picking up my bag from the chair. "Shh, I don't want your father knowing im here." I looked at her confused and said, "You don't want him to know that your in your own house?"

She sighed and said, "I just don't want to see or talk to him right now, that's all." I laughed a bit, "You don't have to, he's just here to pick me up, ok? Now will you stop hiding and just go on with your day?" "Yea, I guess you're right, oh and Edric, have fun tux shopping with your dad." I was kind of taken back by her response, but I smiled and left the kitchen.

I walked back to the front door, where Dad and Hunter were waiting for me, "Ok, im ready." I shut the door and made my way to the tux shop.

Once we walked into the shop, we were greeted by a man in a suit, "Hello, welcome. How may I help you all today?" My dad smiled as he shook the guy's hand, "I'm looking for tuxes for them and I." "A special occasion I presume?" I smiled and chimed in answering, "Yes, actually, it is my dad's wedding in a couple of weeks." The worker smiled and said, "Congrats, so what kind of tux were you thinking of?" My dad took a second to think and then said, "I'm looking for maybe a dark blue tux, and these two possibly something similar?" 

The worker looked at him confused and then said, "Ok, we can do that, follow me." I took a look at Hunter and laughed a bit before following the guy to where the tuxes were {I don't know much about tux shopping considering the only time I've went to is when my brother was picking out a tux for his wedding so yea, not very knowledgeable in that department lol}

We were trying on tux's and finally on the fourth one, my dad had found the one that he looked the best and felt most comfortable in. Hunter and I found two matching tux's that we both looked awesome in as well. 

Once we were done, my dad ordered the tuxes, and the guy told us when we could come in for the fitting which would be in two days since the wedding was in a couple of weeks and we needed the tux's done as soon as possible. We then left and went to a diner that was close by so we could eat.

Authors Note: I'm so sorry for not posting the past couple of weeks, I've been in and out of the hospital and everything has just been hectic with my health, im trying but im still feeling horrible and I've had to get like three different blood transfusions in the past 3 months, but im happy I could finally get this chapter out, and I promise I will try to update at least every week or more if I can.

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