I Have To Do This

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I was sitting in Emira and Amity's hotel room, listening to Emira drone on and on about something cute that Vinney did on their date the other night. I guess this is how I am when I talk about all the cute stuff Hunter does. "Alright 'Em, I get it, your in love. Now can we talk about me?" I did a dramatic sigh and plopped myself down onto Amity's bed, she wasn't here since she and dad had decided to spend some time in the arcade downstairs.

Emira rolled her eyes and said, "Of course your highness, how dare I even try to tell you about my life!" She then proceeded to throw a pillow at my face, "Ow, anyways you know how we are turning 18 next year and pretty soon we will be graduating from school?"

"Yes, and your point is?" She said while looking at me. "Well, there's something I haven't exactly told you yet about my plans for after graduation." This got her attention and she sat up on her bed and stared at me waiting to say something.

"I decided to move out after we turn 18 and graduate, I want to be as far as I can from her. I already asked Hunter if he would go with me and at first he didn't agree but now he did and I just needed to tell you because your my twin and I would feel bad leaving you without an explanation." I breathed as soon as I was done talking and then looked up at Emira to see her reaction.

"I- I'm sorry what?! Your just gonna pick up and leave? What about going to college, or getting a job like we talked about?" "Look, 'Em, I know I said I didn't want to leave you, but things change, I changed. I don't need you to be by my side all the time now. I'm sorry, but I have to do this for me."

She didn't say anything, instead she just went into the bathroom and closed the door, so I went back to my room and plopped myself down onto my bed. Well that certainly didn't go the way I wanted it to.

Authors Note: Sorry for not posting when I said I would, it's been busy since my Grandma came back home from the hospital and she needs a lot of care right now. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was more of a filler chapter until I can think of more stuff to write.

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