no love

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*Several Months Later, 1 Day before Spring Break*

Knowing I'd be in Paris by tomorrow afternoon made my stomach turn. I would say I was deeply excited, but my dad would be there chaperoning and I doubted River and I would ever be alone with him there.

"Should I pack my lucky shirt?" my father yelled from his room. I just agreed in annoyance, the shirt wasn't lucky in my opinion, just another plain old button up.

Rowan was blowing my phone up every second about what to pack. She wanted authentic clothes that represented her. After all, she was visiting the place she'd be living in for the next four years. Rowan was accepted into a Paris Fashion school and she needed everyone there to know she'd be debuting as the "next hot topic" there in the fall semester.


Sitting in the airport was a load of high school seniors waiting for their flight to arrive. Suitcases, pajamas, messy bedhead
and scarves were seen everywhere. I sat next to River with my legs draped over his as
I attempted to sleep through the noise. My dad had preoccupied himself with the mini convenience store in the airport as we waited for the flight to be called.

Rowan ran up behind the chairs we were seated in, scaring River into jumping but not enough for everyone to notice.

"So lovebirds how does it feel to go to the City of Love with Lia's father in tow?" she asked.
"There will be no 'love'," I stated, "And Melrose is here too."
"So? He's my mom's boyfriend not my parent. Besides he'll be too busy worrying about Alex and Victor to even notice Rider and I."
"And what do you plan on doing that needs to go unnoticed?" I asked.
"Well if you must know...I wanna break off from the group and explore my future home."

"We haven't even left the United States yet and you're already planning to leave?" River stated in shock.
"You know me Atkins, quick on my feet and fast with a plan!" she gave River a slap on the shoulder before running off to bother another group of people.


Hours later after an agonizing plane trip we were finally in France. The flowers were freshly sprouted showing the signs of Spring in Europe and there were thousands of people walking the streets in shorts and sundresses.

Every corner held a store or bakery of some sort with outdoor seating and there were street painters doing portraits of tourists as they stopped by. The air smelt fresh and the cherry blossoms were as vibrant as ever.

After being placed in our groups we were allowed to do things in the area. I wanted to get a portrait with River but he insisted he drew me and Rowan by the dock first. You could see the Eiffel from the view where we sat as he drew us with Rider next to him as the talked.

"Look at us," Rowan whispered to me, "In Paris I mean. With boyfriends AND they're practically best friends."
"I know it's surreal," I smiled.

I was happy River became friends with the people I was around so easily. Him and Rider hung out so much whenever they weren't with us and it was nice. Alex had kind of gotten closer to Victor over the year as Rider went off with River. We were all still a close friend group, just with one person we were rarely seen without. My person was Rowan of course.

"Alright he's done," Rider announced, "It almost looks too real."
They sat between Rowan and I on the edge of the dock as we looked at the portrait. He was right it did look real. The background reminded me of a Claude Monet look because of all the greenery.

"This is a true piece of art," Rowan squealed, "We're art Lia."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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