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*After Dinner*

Walking out of the restaurant, I had my dress in tow, carrying the ends as we waited for the valet to bring the car around. I kept getting stares, but people were complimenting me for the most part.

Once the car arrived, River and I were on our way. As he drove to our next unknown destination, I silently ate the rest of the cake we brought along, humming along to the radio station.

"I'm surprised you aren't asking where we're headed."
"Don't tempt me," I responded.
He laughed before placing his hand on my thigh. I couldn't help but think about how close we've gotten in the past couple months.

We hadn't even been dating that long, let alone been friends, but I could wholeheartedly say that I loved him. I once read in a book that love had no time constraints, it sort of just happens. River normally kept to himself, I would've never guessed that he would be the way he is.

But that's the thing about people. A lot of us tend to seem shy to others until we get close, or if you just so happen to have a friend around.

I sometimes think that if I would've talked to him sooner, certain things would be different.

My thoughts were interrupted once I felt a hand on my chin, "What are you thinking about?"
"Just stuff."
He dropped his hand back onto my leg with a smile, "What stuff?"
"Nothing that you need to worry about, Atkins."

River laughed before playfully pinching my leg, driving down the busy streets.


We stopped in an open area just as the sun was setting. There was a dock straight ahead and a large mountain on the other side of the water.

River held my hand as we walked down the boards towards a kayak. Careful not to ruin the dress, I stepped in.

Pulling out my camera that he had been using to take pictures all day, he took yet another of me.

River used the paddles to get us to the middle of the water before stopping, "I read that this was a popular spot to watch the sunset."

"Where is everyone then?"
"That's the thing, they only allow one group a day, it's under the observatory's supervision."
"Really? Wouldn't you have to book it early then?"

"I kind of booked it while we were still home, like right after I found out I was coming."
I smiled, "So you just assumed I would come? What if I didn't?"
"Then I would've been here by myself."

I laughed before moving onto his seat and wrapping my arms around him. It was pretty cold out on the water, especially seeing that it was getting late.

River pulled his jacket over my arms before wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you, for everything. You've officially been crowned the best boyfriend," I stated.
"So I wasn't before?" he joked.
"Nope. The sunset is definitely the cherry on the top," I answered.

"I'm glad you're here, it would've been boring without you."
"I know."
"Whatever," he laughed as he pulled my legs over his and we continued to watch the sunset.

As soon as it was over, he went back to paddling but not towards where we came in.
"Where are we going?"
"The last spot."
"There's more?!"

He nodded before we stopped on the shore. I took off my shoes, stepping into the cold sand with River trailing behind me.

There was a hidden stairway on the tall mountain that we took up to a large building shaped into a dome.

A large sign read "Shoreline Observatory".

He pulled out a key, unlocking the door to the dark building before turning on a light switch. It was huge inside, with low lighting along with hundreds of stars decorating the ceiling. On the walls were large pictures of different planets along with facts about each and down at the end of the dome was an opening with a large telescope.

Heading towards it, I looked through the telescope seeing all the stars up close. River wrapped his arms around my waist as I continued before I let go to let him look.

"Do you remember that science center with the observatory we went to in sixth grade?"
He nodded as he continued to look.
"I remember meeting Victor that school year and he asked about you."

"What did he say?"

"Well you were by the window in the observatory section and he asked if I knew you. I said not really and he said you reminded him of Rider when he first met him. He was quiet before Victor kept bothering him all the time. I remember you were drawing and he started dragging me, talking about how he was going to get you to hang out with us at least for the day."

"What happened?"
"Rowan pulled her arm on the weight game. Rider came and told us."
"I remember that."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of him, gesturing to look through the telescope. I could see the moon, full and bright.

"Do you ever wonder what would be different if we talked sooner?" I asked, voicing my thoughts.
"Yeah, but maybe we wouldn't be how we are if we did. I wouldn't want to change that."


I sunk down into the bed in our hotel room, trying to get as comfortable as I could still in the dress. River was unbuttoning his shirt while I continued to try and get into a likable spot.

"Just change, you aren't going to get comfortable in a dress," he laughed. Ignoring him I moved over onto my stomach before feeling a hand trail down my arm to the small of my back. He stopped right at the zipper pulling it down slowly.

I haven't been updating like I used to and it's annoying the shit out of me💀I have no excuse bc we're in quarantine but I'm gonna try to update more.

I can't explain how bored I've been. I started being active in the discord chats I'm in, I'm watching a Twitch stream everyday AND I even started watching Gossip Girl which is actually good

Anyways hope you guys are doing better than me and not going insane or whateva in this whole isolation thing innit😗✌🏾

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