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Mature Scenes (you're welcome😌💀)

River unzipped the back of my dress before pulling down the straps slowly, all while kissing along my shoulder. I didn't react as much as I usually would because I was tired and he noticed right before flipping me over.

He kissed along my collarbone while finding his way underneath my dress with his hands until he reached my underwear. If I wasn't up before I was definitely up now. Pulling them off, he moved his lips up to mine eagerly, lying his hands on my sides.

I sat up and straddled his waist while he tried to find an entrance to the dress that was still on my body. Breaking the kiss I looked at him for a minute before moving downwards as he watched confusedly.

River was still sitting on the edge of the bed, his hands at his sides while I sat on my knees between his legs. Pulling at his belt buckle I could tell he finally figured out what was happening by the look on his face.

"Lia, you don't have to-."
"I know. I want to," I cut him off, pulling his pants down slightly, seeing his number already pressed against his boxers.

Scooting closer I pulled it out of his boxers slowly putting the tip in my mouth. I heard him wince a little before swirling my tongue around and hearing groans come from his direction. His hand was in my hair holding it up as I continued, stating breathy slurs.

Suddenly, I felt my arm being pulled up before River had me back on his lap. He moved quickly, pulling off my dress before laying me down on the bed. I gasped as he wasted no time, pushing his full length in, the only sound in the room being our heavy breathing and broken words.


I was woken up early the next morning by River who was already getting ready, "Good morning." He leaned over to kiss my cheek before continuing, "Are you ready to go home?"

"Yes and no," I stated, "I can't wait for Christmas tomorrow but I also liked being able to have it be just us two."

"I can agree with that."
"Y'know we won't be able to get away with it seeing that we either always have school or someone is home right?"
"I'd rather not think about it right now."

I laughed before getting up to get ready and pack my stuff. It was sad that we were leaving, but we would be back in May.

Once we were outside, Mr. Slater was in view waiting for us by a car I was assuming would take us to LAX.

We said our goodbyes to him before heading to the airport and just like that we were on our way back home.


"LIA!" Romeo yelled from the top of the steps, zooming down before quickly wrapping his arms around me.
"I'm surprised you missed me," I joked before hugging him back.
"As annoying as you are, our parents are worse."

"Watch your mouth, son," our dad warned jokingly.
"So, how was Los Angeles altogether?" my mom asked.
"It was great. The weather was amazing and we had a lot of fun."
"Hopefully not too much fun," my dad hinted.

Me being the person I am I agreed. I'd tell mom later, but I wasn't about to tell my father his daughter lost her virginity. He would definitely lose his mind.

While putting my bag in my room, I heard the doorbell ring from downstairs. Knowing exactly who it was, I raced down the stairs and slid along the floors in my socks.

Rowan was standing by the door as I ran up to her.
"GOD HAVE I MISSED YOU," Rowan yelled as we basically squeezed the life out of each other.
"I missed you too," I said, trying to breathe.

"I have so much to tell you," I stated as we stopped hugging.
"I do too actually," Rowan replied.

We went back into my room before I suggested Rowan go first.

"Well, Melrose is spending Christmas with my mom and I tomorrow."
"Are you happy about that?"
"Yeah, actually," she smiled to herself, "I hate to admit it, but I like him. He's good for my mom and he's not as bad as he is at school."

"Breaking news folks, Rowan actually likes Mr. Melrose," I exaggerated.
"Whatever," she laughed, throwing a pillow in my direction, "What did you have to tell me?"
"Well...River and I did it."

Rowan's eyes widened before her jaw dropped and she looked at me in utter shock, "You're lying!"
I shook my head holding in the laugh I had from her face.

"Who made the first move?!"
"He did."
She smiled, wiping away fake tears, "I swear that boy makes me so proud sometimes."
I laughed at her act before we continued talking about my relationship along with hers.

I was only gone for a week, but because we were always busy I barely got to talk to Rowan. It was great finally being able to just sit and talk to my best friend again.

In the middle of our very long conversation, my phone began to ring. Looking at the Call ID I noticed it was River.

Ophelia: Hey, River.
River: I know we just got home and you're with your family, but I really need to talk to you right now.
Ophelia: What's wrong?
River: I can't really say over the phone, can I come get you?

I looked up at Rowan who nodded her head before I replied "yes".

Rowan helped me get ready before leaving to go hang out with Rider. Within a couple of minutes, River texted me saying he was outside. Telling my parents I'd be back, I went out to his car.

River's eyes were red along with his cheeks. It looked like he had been crying and my heart immediately dropped.

What could possibly have happened within that short amount of time?

I hate to say it but I'm laughing right now bc shit is about to go DOWNHILL REAL MF QUICK💀 I am so evil for this but anyways I really just dropped this update a day after the last one! I'm proud of myself so let's hope this continues😭

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