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"Asahi, what did you do?" The woman yells at the little boy in front of her, tears in his eyes as he looks down at the big man on the ground.

"Mom, I d-didn't m-m-mean to." The boy cries out, bruises on his body, his hand shaking in fear. He was just trying to block his hits, and he fell down screaming, It was just one touch.

He didn't mean to.

He didn't mean to.

"Get out, You monster get out."

"M-m-mom pl-please." He pleads but the blonde woman just looks away, paying attention to her husband on the floor. Her first love. She looks at the adopted help in the eyes.

"I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER, DON'T TOUCH ME." She yells out as he makes his way closer to her. He stops in his tracks and back away.

"DON'T EVER TOUCH ANYONE YOU MONSTER, GET THE FUCK OUT." The woman yells, making the boy back up and run away. All bruised up and leaving everything in the house.

When the police came to pick up her deceased husband, the woman informed them that the boy's parents wanted him and had taken him away a month ago. No one questioned the grieving widow, a high-class woman like herself, what's there to question.

The little boy ran, ran as fast as he could. Avoided human contact, and hid for days until he was found behind a dumpster.

"Honey, there's a little boy behind here." A soft-spoken woman speaks out, she had grey kinky curls, and her dark skin glowed even in the rain. Her smile was motherly.

"Oh what is he doing here, I'll call the cops." An older man also spoke watching at the boy cowering in the dark. He walks away to a corner to get better reception.

"Come here love, what's your name?" The kind woman asks the boy, crouching down and reaching toward him but he backs away.

"D-don't touch me." The boy backs away in fear.

"Okay, I won't." The woman says putting her hand up in defense. Her heart broke for that malnourish bruised little boy. Who would do such a cruel thing?

"What's your name?" She asks again.

The boy hesitated for a moment before he spoke, " A-A-Azrail."

The woman raises a questioning brow at the boy's answer but says nothing, instead, she turns back to her husband, "Honey, make sure they bring an ambulance okay."

No response.

"Honey?" The woman yells out again but hears nothing. "Come with me."

The little boy follows her but keeps his distance, shaking from the cold. The woman hands him her husband's hoodie that she's been holding, and he takes it making sure not to touch him.

The woman lets out a scream, startling the boy. He backed away to the dumpster again, but the woman paid him no mind.

She looks at the horror in front of her. Her husband is beaten to a pulp by two what seem to be young gangsters, her screams bring their attention to her, they smile wickedly and walk towards her.

"You killed him." She sobs in disbelief.

"He wouldn't give us his wallet," One of the monsters smile at her with rotten teeth. "Will you follow directions?"

"L-leave me alone." The woman begs. The little boy that was cowering behind the dumpster comes back and stands in between the woman and the men.

"Oh look who's trying to play the hero." The man says to his friend, both chuckling and looking down at the boy.

"Don't hurt him he's just a boy."

"Shut the fuck up bitch," The man begins reaches to slap the woman but screams in pain when the boy caught his hand.

The pain infiltrates his brain and body, leaving him screeching. The woman and his friend look down at him in shock, as he lays down trying to speak. Soon he stopped, his body looking like a corpse.

"What did you do?" The man looks at the boy in shock. The boy grabs his gloved hand but nothing happens, the man smirks but that soon turned into a great deal of pain when the boy touched his face.

The woman stays silent, looking at the little boy. The boy prepares himself to leave but the sirens that surround the alley stop him. People heard screaming and called the police.

"What happened?" An officer steps out a gun in his hand, looking at the dead body, the abused boy, and the crying woman.

"T-These man, came and killed my husband, and hurt my boy." The woman lied, sobbing. "We were just leaving the adoption shelter, before they could get to me, they had a heart attack, I think it was the drugs."

The boy looks at the woman, and she signals him to be quiet with her eyes. The policeman looks at the scene ready to say something but doesn't, there's no way this frail woman and the little boy could've done something like this. They must be telling the truth.

"Come, we'll take you to the hospital."

"DON'T TOUCH HIM." The woman screams startling the cop and the boy. "He's a germaphobe and has a lot of allergies."

The officer nods.

"One day you will tell me your name," The woman whispers to the boy when the officer walks away. "And don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

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