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Oh shit.

The room was silent. So silent that the only thing that could be heard is the heartbeat of the teenagers.

Aisha didn't mean to touch him, it was a force of habit.

Azrail held his breath, scared of what will happen next.


Nothing happened.

Aisha lets out a breath of relief she didn't know she was holding.

"I um, I have to go, see you tomorrow," Azrail says shuffling back and exiting the room before Aisha could say anything.

Azrail rushes out of the hospital and drives home. The moment he arrived home, he ran upstairs not even acknowledging his mother.

His heart was racing, his lung burned and his body felt hot. He was having a panic attack.

"Azrail, what's wrong??" His mother calls out entering the room. Confused by her son's sudden behavior.

"Mom, I can't breathe," Azrail calls out, his eyes burning as he tries to catch his breath.

His mom rushed by his side, making sure not to touch him. She gives her son instructions to calm himself down, it's been years since her son ever had a panic attack. It surprised her.

After calming down Azrail, his mom brought him food and told him that he didn't need to go to school tomorrow. Azrail refuse to tell his mom what had happened, his mind replaying the events that happened.

A part of him wished for that to happen the moment he learned that Aisha couldn't feel pain but everything went too far. What if his curse is worst than he believed and she just can't feel pain yet? Maybe he needs longer contact for her to feel pain? Why is this so complicated?

Azrail did not attend school on Friday. He also canceled on Aisha, twice. Aisha understood, not fully but she understood that she did invade his privacy.

It was now Tuesday, and still, no sign of Azrail and Aisha was getting antsy. She's currently at lunch with Tessa and Blake, the two in their private conversation with Blake talking about the new girl that Aisha still hasn't met.

"What do you guys know about Azrail?" Aisha spoke interrupting the two.

Both Aisha and Azrail look at her in silence, before Tessa spoke up. "Nothing much, he and his mom moved here freshman year."

"Has he ever missed that many days of school?"

"Yeah, it's routine for him to skip school sometimes. I don't know why his grades are so high. Why are you so curious?"

"Just curious about my partner," Aisha half lied. "If I want to pass my class, I need to get a good grade."

Tessa nods believing the lie while Blake looks at Aisha suspiciously.

"So," Aisha says ignoring Blake. "Has he ever dated?"

"OMYGOSH YOU TOTALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM." Tessa squeals and Aisha reaches over and covers her mouth. Smiling apologetically at the people Tessa disturbed.

"No, just curious."

"That freak never dated, stay away from him Aisha he's bad news," Blake warns earning a glare from both girls.

"Ignore him, who knows he might just be a little shy. I say go for it, just be careful." Tessa says wholeheartedly. "Plus you guys would be the best couple."

Aisha nods, ignoring the blood rushing to her cheeks.

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