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"Let's go in the water." Aisha says pulling away from me suddenly. 

I nod. 

She squeals and pull off her clothes, and I follow in suit. Usually I would tell her no because the water will be cold and even if she can't feel it, it's not good for her but we've been making out for the past fifteen minutes and her body alone is going to make faint. 

The cold water quickly reawaken me and bring me back to life. I notice Aisha looking at my behavior in curiousness, I smile and pull her close to me. 

"How does it feel?" She asks. 

"I don't know how to explain it, it's like having a nice dream and a bomb suddenly wakes you up." I try to explain, but it's hard to explain it to someone that never felt it. 

"Interesting, sometimes I wish I could feel things, but other times I'm glad, there are so many bad things in the world."

I nod. 

I look down at her, the way her the water drips off her skin and the moon makes her shine. She looks like a goddess, and I just can't bring myself to say anything. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She finally says, looking down and smiling. 

"Can't I look at you?" 

She shakes her head and don't look at me. 

I touch her chin and make her look at me. "You look beautiful angel." 

She smiles and gives me a peck on the lips before pulling back. 

"Why don't you ask me?" 

"Ask you what?" I ask, genuinely confused. 

"About my Congenital insensitivity to pain? Why don't you ask me how it works when I hav-" She looks down not saying anything. 

"When you what?" I ask, again, clueless on what she means. 

"Sex? How it feels? If I actually feel it? That's usually the first thing people ask?" 

My eyes widen when she says that. I blink. 

"Um well, I never thought of that angel," I answer truthfully. "I've been focused on enjoying you as my girlfriend I don't see you for sex, so the thought never came up."


"Don't get me wrong angel, I am attracted to you, and I'm not going to lie and say you never turned me on," I say, pulling her closer to me. "If it wasn't for this cold ass water I would be dying right now, but I just worship you in a different manner that sex is a small percentage in my mind." 

She smiles and gives me another kiss. 

"You really are out of this world." She says. 

"Now that you brought it up though, I'm curious, how does it feel?" 

"It's more mental than physical if that makes sense," She starts off. "My mind gets me off more than the actual action, I get horny and wet, but if my mind is not stimulated, then nothing."

"That's interesting," I say before picking her up and walking out the water. "It's getting cold."

"But I'm fine," She pouts, and I roll my eyes. 

"Of course you are." 

"I'm still sleeping over at your place tonight?" 

"Yes ma'am." I say putting my hoodie on her. 

Her parents aren't home often and she talks about how lonely she gets. I jokingly invited her to my place once, and it's been a reoccurring thing now. She sleeps on my bed and I sleep on a blow up mattress in the hallway. 

"Lets go then, I miss your mom's cooking already." 

"I'll make sure to tell your mom that," 

"They're bestfriends, I'm sure she knows." 

We pack up everything and make our way to the car. Aisha falls asleep ten minutes in, and I'm left alone in my thoughts. 

The way Aisha stopped me from telling her the truth about my past because she saw how it affected me amazes me. Deep down I really wasn't ready to tell her about my past, and I'm glad she noticed. 

Aisha is truly one of the best thing, besides my mother, that have ever happened to me. Her beauty, her kindness, her intelligence, and talent. She's my first girlfriend and yet, I feel like she will be my last. 

There's no one like her, and for the first time in my life, I can't wait for the future. 


"We're home," I say quietly entering the kitchen with Aisha in my arm. She still hasn't woken up yet. 

"I'm going to put her upstairs and then come down," I tell my mom and she nods. 

"I left an extra bonnet on your dresser for her." She says smiling at us. I nod and walk upstairs with Aisha. 

I lay her down and put on her bonnet, smiling as she makes herself comfortable on the bed, cuddling with my turtle. 

I went back downstairs and greeted my mom. She was still in her scrubs and looked exhausted but still beautiful. 

"Spit it out," She says raising a brow at me. 


"Don't act clueless, the only time you act like this, looking at me with those puppy dog eyes is when you want to tell me something but you're too nervous to say it."

I laugh. "Mothers really do know everything, huh?" 

Her eyes soften and she smiles sitting in front of me. "What is it?" 

"I almost told Aisha my past today, including my name," I say softly. 

She raise a brow at me, an indescribable emotion on her face. "Is that so? What happened?" 

"When I was going to tell her, she cut me off and it wasn't time. She said I only felt obligated to because she told me about her past and that I'm not ready to tell her about mines yet." 

"Smart girl, I like her." Mom says smiling  fondly. 

"I do too." 

"No, you love her." 

"We just started dating mom, it's just appreciation at this moment." I say, trying to defend myself. 

"Oh is that what kids are calling it these days?" She teases, raising a brow. "You both love each other, you were ready to tell her your name, and even I don't know that." 

I stay silent. 

Maybe she's right. 

"It's getting late, go get yourself ready for bed, you got school in the morning." She says and I nod making my way out of the kitchen. 

"Mom," I say turning back to her. 

"Yes love?"

"It's Asahi, my name is Asahi." 

"Asahi, it's beautiful." She says softly, tearing up. 

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