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"Azrail get your ass down here NOW." The screaming woman startles Azrail out of bed.

The list of what scares Azrail is very small. His mother was on top and on bold.

"Just a second mom," The boy yells back. Rushing into the bathroom and washed the sleep out of his face.

He puts on his clothes as fast as he can before rushing downstairs to his mother. "Yes, mom,"

His mother stands in front of the kitchen, hand crossed and extremely pissed. "What's this I hear about missing school for a week?"

"Um," Azrail mutters not knowing what to say. "I love you."

"Go back upstairs and wash up AND GET YOUR ASS READY FOR SCHOOL NOW." The woman yells. Azrail runs upstairs and does as his mother said.

He didn't mean to miss school for that long. He was just tired of going, one skip says turned into two, and two turned into a whole week. He understood his mother's need for him to have a good education, but he hated school.

He didn't hate learning. He hated the environment. It was too crowded.

After finishing, he quickly makes his way downstairs to have breakfast. His mom looks at him, and her heart aches.

He knows why Azrail didn't want to go to school but she knew he can't afford to not care for his education. She wanted to hug him and make him feel alright, but she knows it's not possible.

If only the heavens would allow her to give her boy the physical love that he deserved.

"I'm going to the tattoo shop after-school, bye mom," Azrail says waiving out his mom's, ignoring the pang in his heart at the realization that he can never kiss his mom goodbye.

Leaving just a few blocks away from the high school. Azrail decided to walk as away. As tempted as he was to skip, he decided against it to not face his mother's wrath.

Arriving at school, Azrail puts on his headphones and walks down the hallway, careful to avoid every and any contact from the students.

Since Azrail started going to school during Freshman year, he's earned a reputation. In the beginning, everyone wanted to be friends with the new boy. The girls all had crushes on him and wanted to talk to him.

Unfortunately, the first-day Azrail freaked out when a girl tried to touch him. The principal had an assembly the next day informing everyone of his 'germaphobe' condition.

Now he was a freak, a hot freak. The girls thought it was even hotter because he isolated himself from everyone else. He gave them that, silent sexy bad boy vibes.

Finally arriving in his first-period class, Azrail made his way to the back as always. There were a few guys in class already but they paid him no attention to mind, like always.

Azrail lay his head down, trying to get a few minutes of sleep before class started. After a few minutes, he heard students shuffling around, which means the teacher is there.

Azrail sits up and waits for instructions, just when the professor was about to start, a girl rushes in. Azrail immediately recognized her, Aisha, she was wearing the ballet clothes that she usually wears when she comes late accompanied by her sneakers.

"I see you were able to join us today Aisha," The professor says amusingly. Aisha was also a quiet student but she radiated warmth energy, a total opposite of Azrail.

Azrail was so busy watching the girl that he did not hear what the professor say until he saw her walking toward him. He noticed the glare that she threw at her friend Jake, and smile internally.

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