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I look at the beauty in front of me, blinking slowly as she stares down at me.

"What?" I ask slowly, not understanding her absurd question.

"I ask, do you hate me?" She repeats herself.

"Where the fuck did that idea come from?" I question. We were working on our project together, and out of nowhere, Aisha got up and stood in front of me, hands on her waist, looking pissed as fuck.

"Your behavior these past few weeks." She states, and I immediately feel guilty. She noticed.


"Oh? That's it," She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Look, I'm used to men using and ignoring me all my life, so it really is no hard feelings. What I hate is when someone that clearly don't like being in my presence, forcing themselves to do so, like they pity me."

I pull her on my lap and hug her. "I don't hate you and I don't pity you."

"Then why Azrail, is it because of that kiss. Because if you don't feel that way, we can act like it never happened,"

I hold her tighter. "It's not because of that either."

"Is it Jack?"


"The police officer."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. "He makes me uncomfortable, but you didn't give him the time of day, so no."

"Then what is it Azrail?" She says pulling away from me and standing up.

I look down, too ashamed to meet her eyes.

"You know what, I think it's time for me to go." She says, before she grabs her things I pull her back on my lap and kiss her.

It was a kiss of desperation and a longing. I miss having her lay next to me, miss the way you use to be, and if she's leaves me after I tell her the truth might as well enjoy it one last time.

I finally pull away when I started running out of breath. Our forehead touching, both of us panting and catching out breath.

"I had a vision," I finally spoke, not moving from our position. "The person in the vision talked about my powers and how its a blessing."

After a minute of being silence, Aisha spoke. "I'm sorry but how does that correlate with you ignoring me?"

I chuckled at that. "Sorry Angel, I was trying to figure out what to say next. The voice also told me that they put you and mom in my life to help me with this 'gift', which means if it wasn't for me, her husband would be alive and you probably wouldn't have had the ilness that you have."

She scoffs at my word. I look at her in shock, this is not the reaction I expected.

"I don't know what happened to your mom's husband so I can't speak on that but do you really think you're the cause of my ilness?"

I nod.

"You didn't create me Azrail, and just because the voice said they put me in your path doesn't mean that they made me ill, there's different things that could've happen that made it possible for us to meet."


"But nothing Azrail, this illness that I have, is something that runs in both side of my family, some are just happened to be lucky to not get it. It's not your fault that I happened to have it, the risks were very high and my parents chose to go through the pregnancy."

"I'm sorry," I said.

"For what?"

"For being a coward and not speaking to you, for making you feel insecure about us instead of communicating."

She hugs me and laughs. "It's okay love, it must not have been easy."



"What did you mean by your use to men using you?" I finally ask, her body stiffen at that questions.

"It's just that, I was always the girl that got kissed, asked for nudes, and stuff, never the one that got asked out and become a girlfriend," She admits. That confession angered me, how dare they just use her like that. "So I thought it was the same with you."

I grab both of her cheeks and stare into her eyes. "Listen to me angel, I will never do that to you. You're mine, and I'm not letting you go."

'If you say so," she says giggling a little and laying on me.

"Aw you guys are so cute."

"Mooommmm," I groan feeling embarrassed while she and Aisha laughs.


"I need your help."

"You're asking me for help? This is new,"

I roll my eyes, "Will you help me or not Jason."

"With what exactly?"

"to plan a date," I whisper.

"What was that? I didn't quite hear you, for a second there I thought you were asking me to help you plan a date."

"Can you please be serious?"

"Holy shit dude, you finally asked out Aisha?"

I nod. After clearing up the misunderstanding, I asked her on a date that last night. I didn't want her to think I was just using her. The thing is, I never dated so I don't know what to do.

"Okay okay, when is the date?"


"What do you have planned?"

"I wouldn't be asking you for help if I had something planned."

"Keep up that attitude and you won't be getting any help,"


"It's cool, you're just nervous, let's brainstorm." Jason says chuckling. "You're a student, meaning you're not rich enough to go to a high end restaurant with her, so lets think of something simple."


"The movies?"

"Too many people,"


"Too many people,"

"Amusement park,"

"Too many pe-"

"Don't even finish that," Jason says rolling his eyes. "What do you guys do when you usually hang out?"


"That's so cute it's disgusting," He teases. "What is Aisha like?"

"She loves hugs, dancing and snacks. She's a hopeless romantic, caring, and guards her heart. She loves hallmark movies, and anything cheesy, sh-"

"Okay Romeo, I get it," Jason cuts me off. "You are whipped, but it's a good thing because I know exactly what kind of date you two should have."


"A cliché date, duh." A voice says, I turn around and see Rosalie at the door smiling at us.

"I called her," Jason says pulling her on his lap.

I roll my eyes.

"Please don't make me regret asking you."

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