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Azrail doesn't understand his behavior towards this new girl at all. A part of him was worried about Aisha when he noticed the sun going down.

He tried to disguise it as him going out for a smoke but when he heard her screams he had to interfere. He saw it all, the way she never flinched at the pervert's abuse.

He didn't plan to kill the pervert, even though he deserved it, he just wanted to knock him out with a punch. But the bastard tried to hit him first and he couldn't move away fast enough, or could he?

Aisha's fainting startled him. He wanted to check on her and take her to a hospital but knew that he could.

"Hi sweetie, I'm almost home. What's up?" His mom answers the moment he called.

"I need you to make a quick stop," Azrail mutters, eyes not leaving the mess in front of him.

His mom arrived in five minutes. She listened as her son relayed everything that happened. She tells her son to go in the car and calls the cops

Just like the first night she met her son, she covered for him. Explained how she saw the pervert drag a girl to the alley and by the time she got there to save her, she fainted and he was on the floor.

The pervert's death was eventually ruled as an overdose.

Now Azrail is in the hospital, questioning why he even cared for the girl's health. His mom works in the hospital so she was able to give him access to her room even when he wasn't family.

"Oh my god my baby," A woman, the same complexion as her mom but shorter, comes into the room crying. "What happened?"

"She got attacked while walking home, nothing grave happened before we found her. It turns out she fainted from shock, and she has a mild concussion." Azrail's mom spoke, calming the woman.

Aisha's mom nods understandingly. Thanking the heavens that her daughter did not get badly injured. She gazes at the Japanese boy sitting on one of the chairs in the room, far away from everyone else.

"Who are you?"

"Azrail, we were working on a project at my house," Azrail says standing up, he gives Aisha's mom a respectful boy before standing next to his mom. "Sorry for not making sure she got home safe."

The lady looks at Azrail, examining him closely. She could feel that he was lying but gave him a short nod, "Thank you."

"Now that you're here my son and I will be leaving now, take care." Aizral's mom says, making her way out with Azrail in front of her.

She had a lot of questions to ask her som but decided to remain silent, she could tell how affected by this he was even when he tries to act unfazed.

"She'll most likely miss at least a day of school, so make sure you go to the hospital and give her, her missing work. She seems like a very nice young lady."

Azrail nods at his mom's command and makes his way upstairs to his room. The only thought in his mind was, why didn't Aisha flinch?

Aisha work up a few hours after Azrail left. At first, she thought the events were a dream but the beeping of the hospital machine says otherwise.

"You're finally awake," Her mom says bringing her into a big hug. "Next time call me, call an uber, call somebody, never walk home alone in the dark again."

"Sorry ma, I thought I was going to make it before it got dark," She says, comforting her mother. "How bad are my injuries?"

"Not that bad, some bruises and a small concussion," Her mother answers, understanding the depth of her daughter's question.

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