Prequel and Sequel?

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Thank you for reading this book!  It's honestly gotten so much more attention than I ever could've imaged when I started writing it 6 years ago.  In those years, a lot has changed and basically my plans to finish the prequel book (Hero in a Bottle) and start writing the sequel are nonexistent.

If you want some closure, here's a summary of what would've happened in those:


This centers around the Originals and the Founders, including how the dragon was trapped in the wall.  Phoebe was captured by the dragon before he was imprisoned, and Hunter (the original who could control fire and was dating Phoebe) died.  There was a girl who had copied Phoebe's powers, and she was working with the dragon and killed Hunter.


Emma sees visions of Alyssa and tries to figure out how to bring her back to life.  Phoebe is leading a quest to find the girl that copied her powers, and everyone is going along with it even though they know that girl lived long ago.  Emma thinks it's somehow all connected to the prophecy and they try to find Tessa to ask her about the time predictions that she's seen.  They can't find her and figure out that she's the girl that copied Phoebe's powers and has been alive for hundreds of years slowly gathering copies of everyone's powers to have for her own, and that she has every power except Emma's.  They want to kill her, but realize that her power connects her to everyone else in the world with powers, so if they kill her, they kill everyone.  Emma says she doesn't care and tries to kill her anyway.  Hayden and Anthony barely can stop her because she's become a Searcher set on killing Tessa and isn't thinking clearly.  Emma has a vision of Alyssa and they remember the power shields around the school, so if Emma kills Tessa there, it won't affect everyone else.  The plan works, and Emma and Hayden decide to leave the world of powers behind and go back to the regular world together.

Hope that clears up some of it!  I'm happy to answer any questions in the comments, I just know I left a cliffhanger all this time and definitely won't get around to writing the other books.

Thanks for reading this far and for supporting this story!  I really do appreciate it so much <3

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