Chapter 2

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"You have to use the powders in order to have an effect on them," Hector said as we passed around a basket and picked a pebble looking thing out of it. Mine was a pink-ish purple and was really light. I felt like I would crush it or lose it or something if I did something wrong.

"Magic bath bomb," I whispered to Emma.  She smiled and laughed quietly.

"Have an effect on what?" one of the boys asked. I was thinking the same thing. I was hoping the first day of classes they would just go over the basics of what was going on. I was not looking forward to jumping right into everything. I had only been here for a day, and all I had done was talk with Dylan and Emma and get my room set up.

"Good question." Hector pushed a few buttons and stepped into the fenced-in area. He held up his red pebble. "For training purposes, I scanned my powder so the material that it can counter will appear. In real life, however, that won't happen. You have to know which powder to use." Water began rushing out from one side of the arena thing. "Just watch. All you need to do is crack your powder and spread it along." He did that and the water avoided the powder and didn't go past it. "To control it is much harder, but we will just begin with this."

"All he did was make an island," Emma whispered to me. "Not that effective."

I laughed. "I probably won't even be able to do that."

"Alyssa, thank you for volunteering to go first," Hector said. I heard some of the boys laughing. I shrugged and stood up. "Just scan your powder and step into the arena."

I did, and I felt ridiculous. The purple pebble in my hand felt like it was going to do nothing. "Is something supposed to happen?" I asked as nothing came out.

"Are you ready?"

I laughed. "Sure."

Suddenly, lava was flowing out. Oh crap, I thought. If this didn't work, I was basically going to be fried to death. I cracked my powder and spread it in front of me. Then I took a few steps back, just in case it didn't work, I would have enough time to run away.

The lava kept coming, and I saw it go over the powder the slightest bit. I moved my arms to the side and basically begged the lava to stop with my thoughts, and it moved, just like Hector's water. It was barely past the powder, so no one noticed that the powder didn't work.

"Good job, Alyssa," Hector said as the lava disappeared and I stepped out of the arena. "Most people don't master the powder until much later in the year. And some don't even get it then!"

I smiled and walked back to my seat. I felt Dylan lean in behind me. "Can I talk to you after this?"

I nodded a little bit, just enough for him to notice.

Once everyone else had gone, I realized that I didn't have to be too worried about messing up. No one else was successful, and whenever the element they were trying to control got too close to them, it would just disappear. Emma faced a mudslide and Dylan faced water. He seemed to freak out a bit more than anyone else, including me with the lava. No one else had controlled anything, and I felt like something was really wrong with me. Like something bad was going to happen since I was here.

Of course that would be my luck. I would be the one who had the powers that triggered the apocalypse.

I walked out and waited outside the room for Dylan. I followed him to his room and he closed the door. "How did you do that?"

I shrugged. "The powder didn't work and I was like oh crap I'm going to be burned to death."

"But what did you do?"

"I just kind of asked the lava to move. And I moved my arms."

"Do you know what this means?"

I shook my head. "In case you forgot, I'm completely new to all of this."

"You could be an elemental master. They're really rare."

"No. No, I'm not special. I just got lucky. And I could just be a fire. You said those were pretty common."

Dylan grabbed a cup and filled it with water. "Just try."

This isn't going to work, I thought. "What happens if it doesn't work?"

"Just try."

I moved my hand in an upward spiral and watched as the water moved in the same pattern.

Dylan was still staring at the water even after I dropped it. "Alyssa, do you know what this means?"

"You can't tell anyone," I said. "Absolutely no one.  It's only the first day and I don't want to be the one causing problems.  I can't be the one causing problems."

"But you could be-"

"I could be a lot of things, but no one can know. If they find out then everyone's going to be all over me, and I can't have that.  They: the teachers, the other students, God only knows who else is out there looking for powerful students."

"But Alyssa, I've never heard of anyone like this."

"That's exactly why you can't tell anyone.  Not until," I sighed, "I don't know.  Just no one."

"You might be the most powerful person ever to go here.  Controlling fire and water on the first day?  I can't believe-"

"I have to go to class." I stood up and walked out, unable to handle any more of what Dylan could possibly say.


Now, you may be thinking this is just like every other book where the main character is super powerful and is going to save the world.  It partially is, it's partially not.  You'll just have to wait and see :)

Thanks for reading!

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