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Ino felt that this Yue Commander's behavior was really strange and inexplicable. First, he deliberately came to "comfort" him, then he asked him to "miss him", and finally he closed the door and left without saying anything.

Is this some kind of "human weirdness show"? Or do you want to get his attention?

Yinuo frowned his delicate brows, and thought bitterly, whether what is written in the book is true or not, I don't want to have anything to do with Yue Zhan.

After thinking about it, he took out the book again and continued to "study" seriously.

No one bothered him again this time, and the little dark cloud floated quietly above his head.

The three-hour interstellar voyage is not short, but it is not long. In addition to the delay for a while, the warship arrived in port before Ino "studied" the book.

Regrettably, he put the book back on the space bracelet, got up and put on his jacket, and carefully sorted it out before walking out of the rest room.

When Yue Zhan walked to the exit of the ship, he saw him at a glance.

There is no other reason. This little highness is wearing a white gold royal dress with a small white scarf tied at the neckline quite formally. Standing tall among the soldiers in the space force combat uniform, it is too conspicuous. , like the stars over the moon.

Not to mention, there was a small dark cloud floating above his head... that could electrocute people.

Yue Zhan looked away expressionlessly, if he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he couldn't believe that such a beautiful, noble and arrogant little prince would be like that in his heart... yy him.

Of course, those voices are a bit strange, such as the content is too detailed, and there are many rhetorical devices, it sounds more like... silent reading of literary works of color.

More and more, he guessed that the little prince might have read some romance novels. After all, he also heard the other party think about "the plot has begun", "the same as in the book" and so on.

It is estimated that after reading the book, the young man's heart is sprouting, and he can't help but substitute himself, and he is a little too addicted.

I just don't know, why did the little prince put him into the plot?

It's not like... like him?

Yue Zhan's eyebrows jumped fiercely and immediately interrupted his thoughts.

There is no need to speculate on these, no matter what the little prince is thinking, it has nothing to do with him.

He only hoped that the other party would be quiet and not act like a demon. After condolences and inspections, he would leave with the delegation. Don't be like the head of the delegation in the past.

But it is a pity that Ino came to the front line to intervene in military affairs, and he was destined to fail to do so.

When he was "studying" the book just now, Ino thought about it. When he got off the warship, the first thing he did was to inspect the mecha armed forces, and then let the soldiers fight a few mecha battles to test the mecha. performance.

Because it is written in the book, the last battle "the imperial army was defeated, and 100,000 mechas were completely damaged".

Ino suspects that if the situation really develops that way, the problem is likely to be in the mecha.

As the most cutting-edge individual combat weapon in the interstellar era, the mecha is not a crispy car, and it will break if it collides with it casually. No matter how disastrous the empire was, it would not destroy the mecha.

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