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When Li Xuan was born, the mermaid family had already withered away. There were less than a hundred ordinary mermaids, and the royal mermaid... only him and his father remained.

His father had a strong relationship with his mother at that time, and often held him in front of the threshold of the palace, and said in high spirits: "Cub, the father will give you more brothers and sisters, and strengthen our mermaid royal family."

Li Xuan was naturally indifferent and could not understand his father's mood, so he just said "Oh" lightly.

Then, he was grabbed by the fish's tail by his father, lifted it upside down and slapped his **** twice.

"You are not allowed to pretend to be deep at a young age."

Li Xuan looked at his father suspiciously, even so, his expression was still indifferent, and his silver-gray pupils naturally gave off a sense of alienation, as if he was not interested in anyone.

Seeing this, the young Neptune couldn't help but sigh deeply.

Soon after, the mother was really pregnant again, and Li Xuan's father was very happy. But during an interstellar voyage, the spacecraft had an accident and the mother did not survive.

On that day, the father brought back his mother's body and a mermaid egg with a soft shell.

Knowing that his mother passed away, Li Xuan felt sore in his heart for a long time, but at that time, he didn't know it was sad.

"This is your sister." The young Neptune said to his son with red eyes, "Help the father to take care of her."

The premature mermaid eggs were soft and hard to survive. Li Xuan used the space ability to seal the soft little fish eggs into the small space, and sealed the flow of time in the small space, so that the eggs stayed in the time when they were just born. .

He thought that he could wait until the medical level developed to the point where he could treat the little fish **** before taking them out.

My father couldn't accept the early death of my mother. After a few years, I finally couldn't bear it anymore and followed my mother.

This is actually the fate of many royal mermaids.

Li Xuan didn't quite understand it, nor did he understand his father.

The mother is an ordinary mermaid and cannot live forever. This is a fact that my father has known for a long time. Even if the accident did not happen, the mother would leave them one day. Since she already knew it, why was it so uncomfortable?

"This is love," the old turtle told him.

"Love?" Li Xuan wondered.

Sometimes, he also hates himself for not understanding feelings.

After his parents passed away one after another, Li Xuan suddenly felt that time was starting to become long, but at that time, he didn't understand feelings, ties, loneliness, and loneliness, so he didn't find it difficult.

Haiguo didn't have any government affairs for him to deal with. Most of the time every day, he just sat with him. Because the previous sea kings often chose to sleep forever due to boredom, this led to the formation of a system in which the sea kingdom could function normally without a king.

After a hundred years of such days, Li Xuan finally got bored and announced that he would enter eternal sleep.

The first time I saw Yueqing Ci was after being awakened from eternal sleep.

At that time, the white dolphin who woke him up said tremblingly that he was the new prime minister of Hai Guo, but Li Xuan's eyes fell on the black-haired youth next to him.

He's Pregnant with the Major General's fish cubWhere stories live. Discover now