CHP 4: Playing Games

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^reminder of what Kiara looks like

After Campus Interviews

My legs dragged under me and I walked my way to my roommates car.

"People are so fucking draining." I say as I enter the car. My body instantly melts into the seat as I recline the seat slightly back. In almost an instant, my eyes closed. Didi laughs and starts recording my tired state.

The interviews went by as slow as possible. Courtney made it very evident that she still has some time of grudge against me. While it was my turn to interview she kept throwing me side glances and was looking at me up and down.

My thoughts were interrupted when I hear Lauryn Hill blasting through the speakers. I was going to take a quick nap but that plan was ruined by Didi's horrible singing.


As we walk into the apartment I clear my throat preparing to make my presence known. "HEY BUMS." My two roommates looked up from the tv and instantly laughed at me.

"Nigga you look tired as fuck. And you sweaty as shit." I flipped them off before plopping face first onto the unoccupied couch.

"Because I am Keh. Coach had us in the fucking heat interviewing people. Then this hoe Didi don't got no air in her damn car." The tatted girl let out a little aww.

"Y/n shut the fuck up, don't talk about my baby like that." Of course Didi comes to defend her old ass car. "Man fuck you and that car." The tall girl flipped me off before disappearing in our room.

I closed my eyes for a quick second, attempting to catch some z's.

"You should invite Kiara over again, we're have another game night." I groaned and opened my eyes. I sat up to pull my phone out and facetime Kiara.

The line rung for a little before she answered. The girls face appeared on my screen and it looked like she was in the kitchen. "Hey K, you got any plans later?"

Her head shook before she replied. "No Y/nn, you tryna do something with me." My lips quirked up into a small smile at her wording as I thought about our last outing.

"The kids miss you and wanna play games tonight." I said as I looked at the camera.

"Y/nn shut your ass up" Kehlani's random appearance elicited a laugh out of me and the girl on my phone.

"Hey Lani." My eyes closed as Kiara started a conversation with my roommate. They're conversation went on for 3 minutes before Kiara directed her words to me again.

"I'll be there Y/nn." Before I could respond she hung up. Finally I can get some sleep. I decided to take a quick shower before returning to my spot on the couch.

"Y/nn" "Y/nn"

My sleep was cut short when nails lightly grazed my face. When my eyes opened I was met by brown eyes. "What up K." I sat up and did a small stretch before pulling the smaller girl into my lap so that I could hug her.

When I first met Kiara in the cafe we hit it off. We're not dating or anything. We are friends that kiss from time to time.

"What game are we playing first." I shrugged my shoulders. "I honestly have no idea lil k." The girl groaned at the nickname I gave her. "I told you to stop calling me that."

Before I could respond I voice appeared. We got Uno and Monopoly." Zendaya announced as she came into the living room with the two games in her hand. "Let's play uno." Kehlani placed her phone down and happily grabbed the box of cards.

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